"If he would come back after I let him go, i would never have Let go of him again
I would have broken his leg Or done whatever it takes To keep him by my side.. But hyung Didnt come back"
No matter how i try to look at this
I feel sad for white haired guy
Okay just deslike this or whatever but u cant call him a rapist since that bottom never pushed him away..
He's not a psycho , not a rapist or a manipulative , its just that he loved someone for so long that he had to hide it and when finally the right moment came to be (officially) together, the other half just turned his back and moved to another person,
Anyone would react that way .
I dont hate the white haired guy at all
I just hate the bottom kinda
For messing all this up
And yeah im just saying my opinion
He was a bit pushy and a bit manipulative, but that's because he loved his cousin very much. But his love was unrequited. I don't think that his cousin was in love with him neither the student he was tutoring. He ended hurting both and ran away instead facing of facing them. That made me mad, but maybe is better that way.
Is it only me who cried at chp 16
..i feel so so ..soooo bad for junwo
(Not in a pity way)
Its just i feel like i kinda understand how he feels..
And.. it really feels like shit when u feel like ur being pathetic and someone is treating u nice out of the pity
I really cried and felt bad
I need a hug wtf :(
U know that bodyguard well be emotionally fucked up , its very obvious that he have a crush on the bottom
Damn lol
His expression at the end is so sad, I don't understand Korean but it's sad. ╥﹏╥