morpheaus00sm's feed

I just reviewed the main story with an attempt at giving the author some credit, it had backbone and depth (kinda) and the characters were interesting.

This however could have been done so differently. On the original site its tagged at BL/Hardcore/Mature. This, in my eyes, is nowhere near BL, it's simply stockholm syndrome esc non con thats dragged out way too long.

I expected something better as the GL sidestory is actually decent and these characters had potential (wookyung not so much) however the plot is horrible, there are no redeeming features amongst the characters and all i can do is sit here and feel horrible for Minho.

This should have either gone one way of redeeming Minho and him lowkey highkey running wookyung over with a bus or rather than being tagged as a BL maybe tagged differently (horror or thriller) and i might've minded less of it's darker nature. Maybe it could've had the kidnapping and maybe Minho would have overcome wookyung, i hate to mention killing stalking but maybe it could've done something like that because what the hell is this.

im very sorry to all those who went into in expecting something better (like myself) and to those who were triggered be sure to know you're not fragile you're just an empathetic genuine person. Authors learn to tag and stop romanticising rape!.

Once again if i missed something let me know and ill reconsider the comic and think over my review,
thanks and safe reading ლ(´ڡ`ლ)