i never usually read stuff like this, I usually try my best to avoid stuff like this actually... EEK! i mainly read this due to the fact the author/artist made something actually tame(?) with yuri ecchi and a cool artstyle recently which is still ongoing and i was bored enough to look into their completed works.. i really shouldnt have!
this story is actually so crazy.. well written but crazy, the lack of resolve at the end stressed me tf out i was so hopeful for some kind of normal relationship to come out at the end but noooo they had to have them all be FREAKS!! except my poor girls, Ayeon, Sohwa and Yoonseo... they deserved so much better..
the cosca threw me like actually had to close the tab for a bit, i knew some big twist or drastic thing was going to be revealed as to why sohwa left home but holy moly bro.
dahye is no saint yet nobody ever deserves abuse so severe, this is where i see many users morals run dry and become fairly uncertain when an all but good character is abused in a way they never perpetuated. It makes people question practically every part of their moral compass and this FREAK ASS STORY!!
yeonhwa is actually an insane character, off the bat she's bad.. yes my delusional yuri craving self was hopeful for both her and ayeon to be together (that didnt last... thankfully) and some resolve between her and the people she treated HORRIFICALLY.. yes im a bad person for thinking any amount of apologising could redeem her but oh well theres been worse characters out there that yall forgive... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
anyway read this at your own risk, i was just hopeful for some ethel cain take me to church secret relationships with God as a topic of interest but nooo these evil yuri makers made it include: non-con, incest actions, adult/minor implications, abuse, torture and obsession and much much more HOLY HELL THIS WAS SO BAD!!! like bad content but not badly made/written/put together... this was never a romance but a horror/psychological upsetter or whatever..
once again please tell me about your opinions and educate me if you believe necessary!
okay actually i do know, this was gas .. like literal heat
this is a very well written story but hella