I really hope we are going to get into the real crux of the issue and talk about emotional labor, perspective taking, genuine interest, healthy communication, and all that good shit. I mean seduction is nice but my man needs to be building relationship HABITS. Making pancakes every once in a blue moon isn't going to cut it. You can't lull her into submission by taking the weight off of her shoulders just because you want your old life back and then put it back when you feel like you've succeeded. You gotta recognize that these people in your life are their own individuals with their own thoughts and feelings. As well as you think you know someone you never truly will. Put in the effort to see her as a person and then put in the work to see things from her perspective and make the changes that need to be made. Don't fucking ask her what you should do, at this point it is your responsibility to recognize the pitfalls you've created through your own self-interest and self-serving behaviors.