I really hope we are going to get into the real crux of the issue and talk about emotional labor, perspective taking, genuine interest, healthy communication, and all that good shit. I mean seduction is nice but my man needs to be building relationship HABITS. Making pancakes every once in a blue moon isn't going to cut it. You can't lull her into submission by taking the weight off of her shoulders just because you want your old life back and then put it back when you feel like you've succeeded. You gotta recognize that these people in your life are their own individuals with their own thoughts and feelings. As well as you think you know someone you never truly will. Put in the effort to see her as a person and then put in the work to see things from her perspective and make the changes that need to be made. Don't fucking ask her what you should do, at this point it is your responsibility to recognize the pitfalls you've created through your own self-interest and self-serving behaviors.

The rampant misogyny and portrayal of violence against women is so grossly normalized in this manga. It's so disappointing that it isn't even addressed as an issue. I thought I would enjoy this but I can't look past the constant sexualization, objectification, and violence the women face. Farewell, I don't recommend reading if you have a conscience.

And first of all the story is that in a time. Were slaves were there and I’m really trying to see the point you’re trying to reach and yes it is horrible that plenty of comics normalize sexual assault of women but in this comment I do not see the point you’re trying to prove I have not seen it once and the king that she was previously married to that he killed yes he was pieces of shit I’m trying to get your point but I can’t you don’t need a damn degree to know how to fucking read

All I’m asking you is to give me an example if you do then I will see that your point is correct but everything you’re saying is talking about degree and how You know this and how You know that you’re not telling me what is wrong because I read the entire story and I do not see what the fuck you’re talking about so how about you go get a fucking degree and come back to me and tell me what the hell wrong with the story and I read plenty of stories where there’s actually sexual assault that has not been addressed and those types of stories are shit and that should be destroyed but you cannot tell me that it’s in the story I read the whole thing twice and

While this so called ignorance you say is baffling, your lack of respect to a normal conversation goes to show that maybe the webtoon never really had a problem but just showed good portrayal of what it was like back then and that you just cant seem to accept that fact and be so god awfully sensitive about the littlest things. Just because people cant have the same opinion as you, doesnt mean theyre below you. Its not hard to be fucking nice in a conversation you fucking idiot

But apparently you need one to recognize that sexism is bad :( (sarcasm but seriously) my original comment literally just stated that I didn't like how women were being treated or the direction of the story. You obviously can't recognize any of the elements I'm talking about, so leave, don't get caught up in a conversation about something you don't understand.

could you please set an example in wich chapter happened? im honestly curious abt it, since i've read the whole thing and couldnt find an example of the misogeny and all that.
Maybe when the archiduke wants to punch the blonde girl? but thats the closest conclusion i've come for. (pardon my english in advance)

No, for multiple reasons. One, I don't have to, there is literally no obligation for me to teach them what they don't know. Two, I never entered the conversation as an argument to prove a point, I made a comment about how I felt and they decided to respond. Three, from experience I am almost certain nothing would change. Go look at that other persons comments after I told them I had no obligation to respond to them, that I didn't have to give them examples, and that their lack of understanding was not my business. They called me a bitch and stormed off. Here is why that's important: they could have called me anything and they decided on that word, one which has deep rooted origins in misogyny, one used to address only women when they are seen as a problem. You see I could pull up study after study and every book and YouTube video explaining how it all works. I could give that person my dissertation on the I just treatment of women in first world countries compared to theirs world countries. I could send them every essay I've written and a

Article I've found, but nothing would change. Because that person doesn't want to, they are looking for a fight. They want me to give them an example so they can shoot it down and say I'm wrong. I have had these "conversations" long enough to know that they won't change especially if their answer is calling me a bitch. They, simply, just don't know what they are talking about, nor do they have the ability to recognize what I point out as an issue. It takes at least a few months to start developing the ability to sense and judge when microaggressions are being used and if someone IS being sexist or pushing those narratives, when you've lived your whole life being blind to it. Nothing I do will change how they think and I'm tired of trying for no reason. They won't be my success story and I am not obligated to.

Don't get me wrong I like the story, however, it seems a little fast paced; it's as if there are pages or maybe even chapters missing. If it was really written this way I wonder why the author decided to make it a quicker story, the primary issue seems to almost be resolved in two chapters... Based on the character introduction and plot set up it seems like a story that would have longer development.. hhhmmmm just a thought.

The concept depth and intricate character design is amazing. The story flows so well and it drags you between two or three plots at a time; it feels so realistic and raw. I love the fact that we see so many different characters and their thought processes as well as their morality. These characters definitions of right and wrong fluctuate and guide their actions and it's just incredible to see which character s carry their own story on their shoulders rather than being guided by the story around them. I loved the unfinished stories because it leaves you room to wonder but what I especially love was that last story. I didn't necessarily like it for the characters themselves or the plot, but for the antithesis of the characters place in life, mentally. We don't (or I don't) agree that Aerak should have forgave him but with that last dream we see the extent to which each character perceives their place in the story and the desires they have to complete it a certain way. We see the depth of Aeraks emotions and love whereas the other guys actions and thought are sexually and attention motivated. It makes you wonder if such a relationship will work out or the path that it will take. While the story leaves you with the best possible outcome one can help but to think of the direction their story could go, especially seeing as how that blond dude cheated just to gain a reaction and receive attention. While some of the relationships are supported by healthy communication others simply exist by consequence or coincidence, the stability of their relationships and the dynamics off of which they are built are incredibly versatile and it is honestly what makes this story to enjoyable and engaging, it's what keeps me coming back for more and what inspired me to write this long ass post. So thanks for listening if you stayed.

I really, really, enjoyed this. I do wish it would have been longer so we could see deeper character development, like with the dad, but it is amazing definitely in my top ten. One thing I REALLY wish they would have focused on is the sisters journey and her relationship with jealousy and acceptance. Unlike some others I really admire how she changed even though her actions were unacceptable. I wanted to see a more intrusive and darker explanation of how she felt and thought. I wanted to see her communicate and reconcile with her brother and mom and watch that growth. I especially love that they left her as an independent character, in the sense that she didn't have a love interest. I think that makes her story even more powerful because we see her as an individual, where her actions aren't tied to her sexual orientation. Anyway amazing read, 10/10 would recommend.

Indeed. I definitely agree to everything that you said. How I wish they didnt gloss over the forgiveness scene and the explanation on everyone's side because as much as Hanah was an ass, there was a bit of it that also came from the parents.
Even before Jun was born, her inferiority complex already took root but her parents didn't notice because they were too busy with Jun being the male child. I just wish that she could have explained why her inferiority complex grew over the years and how her mom's doting attitude towards Jun somehow unknowingly exacerbated the problem.
All in all, it was still nice.
I do need Rin's mom and Hyesook side story tho. I wonder how the confession would play out and what will go between her and her ex gf from there
I'm literally foaming at the mouth for the new official chapter (⊙…⊙ ) lol