My introverted boy
Honestly this is fun to read not until I reached the chapter 47. It's annoying how they misunderstood soojin, portrayed him as a bad guy and jayu did not even bother correcting those misundersting and even involved a teacher which is quite annoying. Soojin just want to have his own peace of mind because of his tiring situation. Not until they came knocking on his door and jayu even went back to his home baited him with money. We all know that with his situation he will be baited with money no matter how little it is because that's how he will survive. That's why that deal he made with jayu in exchange of going to school they will give him that money. But what happened was unexpected he got misunderstood and jayu did not even bother correcting those misundersting. It's annoying how she stayed quiet the whole time her friends portrayed him as a bad guy. Annoying. Please make a character development. Grow some backbone jayu please. I'm begging you.
Edited: altho the misunderstanding is still not clear up to jayu's friend and that teacher still 1 situation is cleared.
Special Civil Servant