I know you need context to make this, but I don’t understand this scenario. If this was real, I could only could see this going one of two ways, especially springing it on your boyfriend like that. One he enjoyed it too much and now you’ve turned your top into a permanent bottom who won’t please you properly cause he doesn’t wanna be a top anymore. or two you’ve permanently scared him into being a top only who still doesn’t know how to pleasure you properly and you’ve destroyed your relationship.

was starting to get interesting but was dropped i think. Still flabbergasted Nasir took his manhood i thought he was going to wipe his memory. When he said he’ll never think of that moment again. what does taking someone’s dick have to do with forgetting. would not make them think of it more it being the last moment you ever used it all.

like everybody else on here I’m getting a little annoyed that this isn’t really going anywhere, and that the poor kid keeps making things so much more difficult by getting lost in his own head and making up his own thoughts instead of just voicing them, but then I remember the title is called “love on hold” and then I remember yeah I better get used to this because this love is gonna be on hold for a while why else would they call it that.

well, now that I’ve read salvation, I can definitely see this being the authors work, because the main characters were put through some similar situations in that novel as well. Like the sme totally keeping the uke out of the loop. We always hurt the ones we love because we’re too scared to face the truth. And now that I’ve said that. I am angry that the MC constantly tells his disciple that telling white lies is like snow rolling down a hill when you start it just won’t stop but yet he’s always doing it.

I know these beings are supposed to be some kind of magical creature from another dimension, but holy moly, I thought he was really going to die from it this time like man enough is enough when he said it was OK to let go. I thought he meant his mind had finally broken. And then he wakes up perfectly fine. I guess that’s fiction for you
him calling for his mommy was crossing the line for me. I guess I’m just too sensitive for this shit. what the fact that they put all electros to him and woke him up after he had 12 releases scares me even more that shit could kill someone don’t mess with a heart. and then maybe he wants to use the money to pay for college screw that he’ll be lucky if it doesn’t end up in a hospital. let alone have a future.