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pixeiw created a topic of Can't Think Straight

- Jaehyuk is back at the dorms and swears that he won't do anything that gets him kicked out again.

- Meanwhile, at a cafe, Garam thinks he made a bad decision because Jaehyuk could push him to have sex again. He thinks that he honestly doesn't hate the sex, but there's no going back when you catch feelings. The fact that he's already having these concerns is dangerous since he used to cut things off before it went this far.

- Garam comes back to Jaehyuk cleaning their room. The next day, Jaehyuk woke him up and bought him breakfast. Several days pass and Garam thinks it's been too quiet unlike his worries. He thinks Jaehyuk couldn't have changed that suddenly. He also remembers Jaehyuk's confession and didn't think Jaehyuk would ever do that. He later interacts with Jaehyuk and thinks that he couldn't believe he's comfortable to be with now.

- Later that night, Jaehyuk watches Garam sleep after carrying him to bed. He stares at Garam's lips, asks if he's really asleep, and went for a kiss. He immediately gets up and goes to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Garam had woken up blushing and confused af while he can hear Jaehyuk moaning his name in the bathroom... lol