Nagai June 10, 2021 6:16 am

Any angsty mangas (pref yaoi) where the seme mistreats the uke and regrets it and tries to win him back? Or the seme has a naturally mean look which scares the uke but he tries to be nice and gentle. Or a manga like mayday mayday, shadow crown, candy man (sorry for the second post but this is for anonymous reply)

Nagai June 10, 2021 6:15 am

Any angsty mangas (pref yaoi) where the seme mistreats the uke and regrets it and tries to win him back? Or the seme has a naturally mean look which scares the uke but he tries to be nice and gentle. Or a manga like mayday mayday, shadow crown, candy man

Nagai April 18, 2021 3:58 am

Are there any mangas that are like legs that won’t walk where the seme is dominating and like in ch 35 or 44 and he punishes the uke

    Falcon April 18, 2021 4:47 am

    Season 2 of banana scandal

Nagai March 16, 2018 1:43 am

any yaoi manga where a guy is attracted to another guy with a good scent?

Nagai February 9, 2018 6:16 am

anyone know a sad yaoi manga that will make me cry tears of sadness? I feel like I'm using the word sad too much but oh wells lol

Nagai January 25, 2018 2:35 am

Can someone recommend me some heartbreak yaoi stories?
And stories where these two gay couples fight because the seme was flirting with some other guys/girls but didn't realize the uke was hurt until the uke left him?

Nagai January 1, 2018 1:25 am

Anyone know a yaoi manga with a character who doesn't know what love is but learns it later?

Nagai December 14, 2017 11:47 pm

I keep hearing that there isn't going to be net neutrality anymore in the United States... so will we have to pay to read mangas here? and how much? T_T

    Anonymous December 15, 2017 12:08 am

    I think it should only affect people in America. There's still time for the repeal to be reconsidered. Go to Hashtag #stoptheFCC. Call your local American officials. Basically, make a LOT of noise so Ajit Pai can hear you.

    Anonymous December 15, 2017 12:10 am
    I think it should only affect people in America. There's still time for the repeal to be reconsidered. Go to Hashtag #stoptheFCC. Call your local American officials. Basically, make a LOT o... @Anonymous

    For now but actually if US is affected then the whole world is too which isn't good

    Okarisu December 15, 2017 12:30 am

    No. This website is dedicated to pirating manga so we DON'T have to pay. It would effect bigger things. Pay for different packages to access different parts of the internet, like YouTube. It's something only US citizens would have to pay for. The only way it will effect you is if your translators a re American, or your favorite fanfic writers are American. They might slow down or completely stop their work.

    Also, we still haven't gotten rid of net neutrality. It still has to go through Congress first.

    astralsensei December 15, 2017 1:13 am

    Honestly if it does happen, I'll pay for it. It's not even that much and not that bad like some people think. I person working at McDonald's can pay for it. If you can't stop using the freaking internet and get a job! I'm still protesting because that money can go to other useful things like the poor, donating or saving up for something (or you know save up that money to afford to read a lezhin chapter, yeah just one, cause lezhin chapters are expensive af)

    astralsensei December 15, 2017 5:15 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nobody in Particular

    I would protest like freaking break into their houses. Will probably get arrested though. But if it does happen I will deal with it. It's not gonna be $5 Dollars everytime you log into something. It's monthly fees. Peeps are just exaggerating bout' that. Guess I'm gonna use less internet huh? It would be a nice chance to take on different hobbies. Plus the schools and companies will pay for your internet. Cause they have to, you payed for education and are working for them. Or you know, there's thing called an encyclopedia! It's actually a good tool to use. People are acting as if this will kill them, like 1900's people. I'm gonna make my life better and stop looking at cat videos. Spending time on the internet is going tk make me blind anyways. I need to see Italy before that happens though.

    Nagai December 15, 2017 5:45 am
    I would protest like freaking break into their houses. Will probably get arrested though. But if it does happen I will deal with it. It's not gonna be $5 Dollars everytime you log into something. It's monthly f... astralsensei

    Um... ok... I was just wondering how much the sites cost... but I don't mind a life story lol xD

    chey December 15, 2017 8:58 pm

    i made a whole post explaining this so if you want to know about it:

    chey December 15, 2017 9:05 pm
    Um... ok... I was just wondering how much the sites cost... but I don't mind a life story lol xD Nagai

    This is what the costs are like in portugal who repealed net neutrality

    chey December 15, 2017 9:06 pm
    This is what the costs are like in portugal who repealed net neutrality chey

    and if you combine that all together, that’s quite a bit of money...

    astralsensei December 15, 2017 11:08 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nobody in Particular

    As a person on the internet, we all know that it's pretty hard to stray away from social media. I have strayed away for a bit but I still have online friends and sites that I am attached to. I disagree that it's wrong for us to pay more than we already have to do. Most people reacting to this are teens and young adults because social media makes up a percentage of their lives. It annoys me to see them act like they're going to die. My comments are targeted to teens and young adults who don't actually need to use the internet. Just understand that it will only be about $20 monthly in total. Don't believe the people who say 'oh! it's 5 dollars per search!'.

    I'm not going to say anything else because I am tired of replying. Just understand that I do not want to pay to go on apps or google, but I won't go and leave the U.S because of this or act as if it's the end of the world. Honestly, older adults look down upon us with shame to see the younger generation telling them that this is the worst thing to happen.

    Nagai December 16, 2017 4:57 am
    This is what the costs are like in portugal who repealed net neutrality chey


Nagai September 13, 2017 3:15 pm

Does anyone have 2 or more crushes (real life people not including Korean, Japanese, American, etc. idols) at the same time? If you do, then is there a reason for having 2 or more people that you like?

I have two people I like at the same time. I confessed to one of them and he says he likes me too but I can't help but not trust him. I just develop another crush sometime last week. My sister thinks it's hormones while my friends just think I'm person who falls in love with anyone. I'm not going to say that they are wrong 100% but I think I just want to find the right one for me and to be loved for once.

    Vash September 13, 2017 3:28 pm

    if you're talking about like, then, it's possible to like 2 people(or more) at the same time. but if it's love, i'm not sayin it's impossible, but sometimes, you're just mistaking ur feeling to one of them as love, maybe becos u r bored with the other one, or sumtin. i'm not sayin it's impossible tho.

    Okarisu September 13, 2017 3:33 pm

    Polyamory is a thing. Even if you're not polyamorous, it's still possible to sincerely have crushes on two people.

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