Omg I just realized it might actually be the brother fucking the bf cause the uke found that black strap looking thing right at the door and his brother was literally wearing that black strap as they were leaving the restaurant smh I feel really bad for the bf he’s going thru it fr .not only did he get cheated on by the uke he’s also getting raped by the ukes brother…..what did bro do to deserve this wtf

First of all calm tf down hello I think everyone knows the uke was also getting raped which is horrible and sad asf especially by his own brother. like I wish and hope he ends up with the nice bf in the end but I’m obviously talking about the fact that they were still “helping each out” in the most recent chapters that’s what it came across to ‘Me’ as cheating…which I could be wrong too but everyone is entitled to their own opinion of a story that isn’t even freaking real like are you good like clearly you need to reevaluate ur own thoughts and get your brain checked and also get help.cause why tf are you making it sound like I went on here saying OMG THE UKE IS THE BAD GUY AND A CHEATER. And because I have an opinion about something about once again a fictional story that means that I would automatically think getting raped =to being cheated on huh?

Guys I shouldn’t have wrote cheated. I should have just wrote I felt bad for the bf cause SOME people are taking it waaayyyy out of context like wtf I feel bad for everyone excluding the seme it’s just crazy that some people try to make you feel like you’re fucked up for having an opinion or hot take like wtf

Honestly I get everyone’s perspective but I’m just curious to know if the ml would be ok if the mc wanted to do this line of work….like I get it the mc knew what he was getting into but you can tell the ml doesn’t really try and ask him if he’s fr okay with his line of work like bro. it just shows ml being overly jealous over mc when mc is around his own coworkers or brother. but ml be letting that one coworker latch onto his arm and stuff. Also why did the ml not tell off that one coworker about bragging about how good kissing and having sex with the ml is like huh bro do not be reassuring what do you guys think tho?( ̄∇ ̄")
Now what is bro trying to do with that mini butter knife