I'm sure Freud is very happy with this development
finally the angst zeo really needs to get humbled a peg
i wanted to read it again but forgot the name it was abou a Japanese guy who worked at a salon (?) i think he was a nail designer and he had a crush on a foreign guy (korean??) who's like all happy and bubbly on ig i guess
anyone knows?
wtf he gets one step forward then 100 steps back won shoul just dump his ass and slice his throat again
was about to throw hands until we got to the extras ヽ(`Д´)ノ
this arc got me so confused fr idk what going on half the time
what's with the tags?? it's very lighthearted so far
idk can't really feel this oh-so-deep love when they only met like 1 or 2 months ago like??? just doesn't make sense to me
I'm all for yuri but Lily doesn't peg me as a inherently romantic person like she got all this problems in her life so she saw ML not as a chance to be happily in love but to be free from her family also she is so depressed after all this years of abuse she just need to focus on healing herself and a love relationship isn't really the best way to do that imo
im pretty sure i read some time ago this was discontinued but i cant remenber where ??? then again i might be thinking about some other manhua they do tend to just get dropped outta nowhere