homiesexuals created a topic of Slammer Dogs

something ain’t right about either one of them i don’t trust NEITHER OF EM!

homiesexuals followed a goer

Casual degenerate on the internet, please just ignore this little goblin

04 01,2024
homiesexuals created a topic of All About Lust

i want y’all to know this is the best adult bl manhwa ever written and nothing comes close
does your fave pay excruciating attention to anatomical proportion and naturalism??? do they depict love true to life yet maintain romantic fictitious themes that make you swoon????? DID THEY DRAW DIFFERENT TYPES OF NAILBEDS TO SHOW THE CONTRAST BETWEEN CHARACTERS!!!!!

homiesexuals asked question about question

shawty please . where can i read an english translation of “no bad dogs in the world” by tirano kim. please……save me

homiesexuals created a topic of Trophy Wives

the sex faces are TERRIBLE
also obviously i can’t prove this but for certain frames of the massaging the male masseuses have such ugly booty fingers it makes me think the artist used his own ugly ass hands as reference

homiesexuals asked question about have delusional thoughts

What are y’all’s nonsense tropes that just make you sigh? Nothing huge like assault or thematic like childhood friends to lovers, I’m talking remedial shit. I’m sick of seeing light hair dark hair couples :/ idk why, I just am! It’s EVERYWHERE

homiesexuals answered question about have delusional thoughts
claiming to gaf abt rape or assault in the real world but losing your mind over your gay OTP because it’s so sexy gah my little uke is crying TTTTT but [rapist]’s delicious big d ლ(´ڡ`ლ) like girl please practice what you preach fiction does not exist in a bubble like you claim it does
homiesexuals answered question about have delusional thoughts
wtf is y’all’s problem with pointing out assault also idk why people can’t understand that romanticizing incest (in this case “step-incest” but the characters still grew up as brothers) is like. not ok incest is typically predatory and real people are affected by it and it is NASTY
homiesexuals created a topic of My Little Inferno

i love this story. i love ma’s relationship with tatsumi being an allegory for drugs, i love how his love for hitoshi is because he’s the normalcy ma never had. i like that he’s considerate of hitoshi’s mom. ma’s character is so interesting and, in a way, compromising to like. he assaulted hitoshi when they first met yet never forced him to do anything he didn’t want to as their relationship became more domestic. he cooks their meals and cleans their home. he really loves that boy.

homiesexuals created a topic of True Education

omg this is how i found out they brought back comments

1.) using the n word (a derogatory term, YES, ending in the ‘a’ you dumbass) in an intentionally derogatory fashion REGARDLESS OF THE CONTEXT is fucked up. this also goes to show south koreans are well aware of the implications of the term.

2.) it is very availably known that east asians treat darker skinned or mixed asians differently, as they live in homogenous societies and specifically many koreans still hold the sentiment of ‘racial purity’. to flip this phenomenon against “pure koreans” is inaccurate and in bad faith. low income immigrant families struggle enough, this chapter was ignorant and cruel.

3.) NO, obviously it is not right to bully anyone based on their ethnicity or their features. going both ways it is wrong and should be acknowledged as such, point blank. HOWEVER, since we know the general opinion of lighter skin, ESPECIALLY in east asia, and particularly the opinion of europeans/white people in asian countries (and generally elsewhere), we know this story is a false equivalency.
if you’re unable to understand or acknowledge that racism and colorism are very real concepts i cannot help you.
that’s all!