Yawhi kinda annoying, hate a “if you can’t remember there’s no point” ass bitch. Like bitch use your words and remind me instead of getting mad that I can’t remember something irrelevant that happened more than a decade ago. If that memory is so important to you THEN TALK ABOUT IT DAMN. Look how mad and triggered I am, damn Yawhi get it together. You so focused on shit that don’t matter in the past you are ruining what’s happening right now. “I’m giving you everything you want” head ass. No...just no.
People in the comments were talking about stealing powers. I don’t know what resonance means in that context though? I’m just wondering why doesn’t the older sister’s powers show up. Guess we will find out next time.
Yawhi kinda annoying, hate a “if you can’t remember there’s no point” ass bitch. Like bitch use your words and remind me instead of getting mad that I can’t remember something irrelevant that happened more than a decade ago. If that memory is so important to you THEN TALK ABOUT IT DAMN. Look how mad and triggered I am, damn Yawhi get it together. You so focused on shit that don’t matter in the past you are ruining what’s happening right now. “I’m giving you everything you want” head ass. No...just no.