I’m just gonna out right say this.
If your like 40 and you suddenly become 11 in a different world and you think it’s okay to be attracted to children and start getting into relationships with them. I swear i will beat the living hell out of you for creeping on kids idc if you look like a kid. Your pedo ass is dead.

Stopped reading after the pedophile kept being forceful and persistent it was gross

I’ve been reading manga all my life, I’m not gonna get used to pedophilia. If you don’t see what’s wrong with their age difference then idk what to say. I thought it was creepy when I was 7 for older kids to be attracted to me and I still think it’s creepy for older kids to be attracted to younger kids. There is such a vast difference in maturity levels and physical appearance that it’s a real problem.

I never said I dint see but I'm honestly not taking it seriously because the vibe that the scenes give me arent serious. Also u have to think about it in an open way. I'm not saying I'm for pedophilia but hes not an adult yet so technically it aint pedophilia just yet. That doesnt justify the fact that his actions are sus but u also gotta think about the fact that this world and ours arent the same. After reading manga for a long time I eventually understood this. U dont have to read it in just saying this story has been good so far and I dont want u to miss out.

To be fair, I find it weird that people don't mind reincarnated people, as in people who regain like 5-10 yrs' worth of memories and experience, dating people around their physical age when their mental age would constitute them as a pedophile. So I'm guessing pedophilia only applies to outer appearances only? Especially in mangas like this. Idk I just don't think you can apply real world morals to fantasy manga morals. They don't really connect often.
Also pedophilic tendencies is serious, please go to a therapist if you suspect you're having it.

Like the idea is killer but it came out pretty bad.
1. No point for the reincarnation thing, they dont use their past lives knowledge for anything. It's just there.
2. They don't act like adults at all. They act like their 9-11 range. Things that they couldve done with their adult brains to fix multiple problems in this story wasn't used at all.
3. The story is way to slow, there is barely any progress in the story. They take things to slow and they keep the same problems the same, with misunderstandings from simple things like fucking miscommunication.
4. The main characters are kinda bland, they barely have any personality. Like compare them to the family who have traits that define them. Then you see them...theyre twins... thats cool... Like they don't have anything that defines them they're just the common human being. They aren't athetic, aren't smart, they're not powerful, they don't have a unique trait that sets them apart.

The blond dude is a manipulator, and I don't like him anymore. His actions got really gross. Those actions are really underhanded. You make the victim seem worthless, then they make it seem like their the only person that cares for them. Which is pretty similar to what he did a bit different but still kinda similar.

Like the seme is pretty trash for dating the twin just to get in with the other guy. The Uke is honestly even more trash imagine your lover is cheating on you with your twin. He doesn't even have any regrets. Like I get the sister is crazy, but they don't know that, and they still fucked.
I had to stop reading at chapter 38 because of how trash their personalities and morals are.
They guys had a fling for like a night, so why would that give them a reason to trick a girl, and sleep with their twins lover.
Honestly they have no morales.

THANK YOU!! Like i hated the first story.
It was rushed, alot of unanswered questions and the seme and uke are just shitty.
Yeah the sister was crazy but truthfully she has a reason to be that way because her brother who she took care of in place of their parents backstabbed her and stole her boyfriend.
And the brother showed no regrets.
Honestly i would probably like it more if they was honest and told the sister the truth but instead they lied to her and sneak around.
Their personality is shitty and they have no morals. I didn’t bother finishing reading it cause it was aggravating me and making my head hurt. But eh I’m glad if others like it.
Read the other djs of this couple by this author. The angst got so fucking real, I feel so empty after reading all their Djs it’s so sad
its makes me sad to but theres more ships of them on wattpad