Did the artist draw this with ai or something, all the lines look off in some way, the brooch in the girls clothes literally melded into the clothing. Then in the next panel the brooch is fine. The face anatomy seems a little off during some angles too. Idk the inking just screams ai to me for some reason.

Have any of you guys also realized the author has quite literally dropped the plot while in their quest of life and can’t seem to find it no matter how hard they try or where they look. Like if this weird step brother incest thing story is to Segway or desensitize us to an introduction to the main couples children getting together I’m gonna become an avenger of justice and rid this author of continuing this story in the manhua world.
And I’m literally not saying this out of nowhere this is literally so similar if not the exact same to the mc’s children’s lives. The big brother being taken care of by a non blood related father, and the non blood related father has a kid who is blood related to the father. And they are also raised together as blood related siblings loved equally by both parents.
Like is this not a one for one isn’t not weird if we imagined the children getting together so why are some people okay with/defending the incest couple.
Like I’m so confused their excuse is ‘this trope has existed for so long why are you complaining now look away’ .
like okay? So? The idea of racism homophobia and pedophilia has existed in media and continues to persist today in forms of entertainment for centuries. But that doesn’t make it okay like shouldn’t we continue to shame these ideals so they don’t continue to exist, which by the way works example being the diminishing ideas today.
Like I’m not saying the author is Satan I’m just saying criticizing weird things work so some person in the future or now who reads this doesn’t absorb the information in the story as a normal thing. If we don’t It makes people continue to have weird ideals or make weird stories.
Like I’m saying this from experience, example being vampire knights why did I think or anyone else around who read or watched the series at the time think getting together with ur full blooded sibling and having a child with said sibling was just normal and okay we literally did Not bat an eye. And like a million of other instances like this.
And if you made it this far thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Also sorry for those who clicked read more and were tricked into an essay my bad. I just needed rant/shit talk it’s good for the soul, you guys are my therapists.

Bro everyone around the Mc are either all predators or they don’t give a shit, ML a predator, his brother also a pedo, the rival another pedo, the strangers also pedos somehow?? Tf, this author is literally half insane, bro his mother is such a control freak she even changed the MCs gender to fit her agenda, doesn’t even treat her like human, the father is an enabler same with his brothers, all the woman are terribly written here and are one dimensional thots who just jump at men with money or looks and they fight eat other like hyenas, This author is insane and has some fucked up world views and also a fucked writers inuition, -2000/10 for the rating can’t believe I read this shit back then my middle school self should’ve seen the signs

Please read it here if you don’t they’ll stop translating, there also ahead to chapter 73, you can also support them this way by reading on their site, it’s completely free just to read on their site. :D
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She acts like a child looks like a child and people treat her like a child yet the author continues to write a romance for her I just don’t understand what’s with this weird pedo groomer shit where they wait for them to be “mature” but are still attracted to them when they are quite literally underage. It just feels wrong
Ngl I was really hoping it’s going to different route but now? I don’t think so