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Say10_grandpa June 27, 2017 6:15 am

Okay just posting to clear it up for ppl who actually want to listen and understand why so much hate is given to this series. Before I do that though, I'm going to be writing MY experience. I started reading super lovers when I just had turned 14 and began reading bl. Put it off for a while ( I literally read like the first chapter and was weirded out bc the kid was like 8 hello??) then some months later decided to read it and actually liked it so much. And for a long time it was my fav. BUT that was when I was 14. I am now 16 and if I had read it now I wouldn't like it at all. I didn't think there was much wrong with ren x haru bc seeing as he was almost my age and how i'd also grow to love haru bc he's just so "charming and caring''. Now imaging if he wasn't or if he was actually his brother, how would you see it then? Not so "hot" or appropriate either way. Just these two years I have grown and learned through experience (and fiction) that when I look back and reread some of the chapters it IS (if not borderline) pedophilia. Obviously someone who hasn't read anything or watched the anime would think "disgusting this is a kid x adult relat." But someone who has actually read it and liked it would lean towards ( don't even say you haven't done it) OVERLOOKING some things that would be considered inappropriate (unless you're a hardcore fujoshi and all your barriers have already been broken) And for a while you'd convince yourself into thinking that's ok. But it's not and you know it. I'll say it as many times as I need to, just cs the age of consent is 13 in Japan doesn't make it ok. A lot of ppl try defending it by saying " yeah it's not like they have sex or they started doing ~really~ pervy things later on. Cs holy shit how does that make it ok for it to keep Happening? Ren is just 16 and as mature as this kid can be he is STILL just a kid and one that has gone through a really rough time. It isn't hard to see why he would be so attached to haru seeing as he has taken care of him when not many ppl have. But Haru takes advantage, even if he doesn't mean to, of rens vulnerability and inexperience which leads ren into thinking "he's the only one". I know that sounds like too much but reread early and middle chapters and you can see it happening slowly. ALSO there's one thing talking to your step brother about masturbating and letting him know stuff but to actually put your hands on him ( just makes ren think more things like this are ok) and it now seems like ren throws himself to haru and getting rejected by him, but who can blame the kid seeing as it was haru in the first place who, through his actions, made the "first moves" so to end this long ass rant, I KNOW this is bl and it's suppose to have guy on guy scenes but couldn't miyuki have had made ren a bit older (lets say 15) when they had their reunion after years? Or better yet haru not so old marking this manga a close step into pedo territory? (also talking about that awful shouta shit) seriously the only reason I'll keep reading is because I have hopes that Akira ( an actual kid that's Rens age) and cute lil deserving Ren get together or at the very least become good friends. Ari If ya read this far, but tell me if you agree cs I feel like I'm the only one who sees it this way (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    YouSkank June 27, 2017 6:19 am

    Watch the fangirls with pitchfork thumb down this post of yours. Some bitch replied to me "this is fiction" when I cosigned your comment and presented my view of this manga 11 topics below.

    Say10_grandpa June 27, 2017 6:47 am
    Watch the fangirls with pitchfork thumb down this post of yours. Some bitch replied to me "this is fiction" when I cosigned your comment and presented my view of this manga 11 topics below. @YouSkank

    I'd be pretty disappointed I actually want someone to give me a good reason why I should think otherwise of this manga. Just thumbing it down won't explain it #-.-)

    Superman June 27, 2017 7:40 am

    Haru and ren didn't have feeling towards eachother when ren was 8 years old are talking about the kisss that was just kisses to a small child nothing more than that .and someone who haven't even read or watched it ,why would you like to judge it and call it pedophilia there is saying don't judge if you don't know the circumstances .i would like to ask why would you think ot as pedophilia then i will answer why it is not.and if you know it is a fiction you should not sorry people should not apply there real life logic here . yes they did pervy things haru did touched ren its okay or not its up to readers because readers know they both are in love with each other and haru is controlling himself of having sex woth ren because haru have so many responsibilty on his shoulder. to haru ren is like a cheese cake on diet you wamt to have him.but can't because you need to think alot of things before it .about a 16 year old dating 25 year old ofcoure its maybe not right when it comes to real life but in Yaoi many mangas are out there hwere they have age gap much more then that .Yaoi doesn't reflect every aspect of real life we cant judge everything based upon real life in Yaoi .people need to understand that Yaoi itself will not make sense if people will compare it with real life problms .ren is not the only one who have gone through a hard time i have seen it alot people realize ren has been through alot i totally agree that but what bothers me sometimes they make it seems like hari problems are not big because he is an adult adult can be weak too you know haru is doing his beast to refrain himself from having sex with ren sometimes his emotion gets the best of him.but he is trying and i appreciate him for that.haru cahnged ren when he used to only belienve in wolves .haru didn't take advantage of ren he sometimes goes with his emotion haru is also not fully recovered yet for what have happend to him .as someone has already said rem is mature for his age its not vulnerability its love what ren have.i have read it and i dont think what ren have for haru is out of experience or vulnerability. and again about masturbation as we all know even if they are step brothers they have feelings for each other he won't do that to Akira does he he did it to ren because he have feelings for him.haru is fighting with his emotions its not like he reject haru more like he want to conatin this gap for not going any further .he needs to sort out his emotions even adults can have problems with their emotions when they need to think so many things through out their relationship. no why would she it was supposed to be like this its doesn't come into pedo category nowhere .haru is 16 again when ren was small there was no feelings involved ren was just a little child to haru so is not in to pedo category and no where near it .i am so tired of people calling this pedo god no haru is not pedo.and about Akira they might become clsoe but in the end haru is the main no i am.sorry but i dont agree that this is anywhere near pedo.and in the end this is fiction and need to be seen that way.

    Superman June 27, 2017 7:43 am
    Watch the fangirls with pitchfork thumb down this post of yours. Some bitch replied to me "this is fiction" when I cosigned your comment and presented my view of this manga 11 topics below. @YouSkank

    The pig really can't resist molesting a child, ayy. Even worse these dumb cunts commenting "I can't wait for Haru to sex up ren! hihihihi" pathetic and revolting sluts rooting for the equally deplorable horny pig that lusts after a kid. Bet you whores fantasize about being fucked by pedophiles like pig Haru. Disgusting manga AND fanbase, truly the lowest common denominator of the society.

    Are you talking about this comment where you call real life readers whores and sluts for a manga which is not even pedophile.please show me why is this.manga consider as pedophile in a polite manner if you can but if you again wanna abuse please dont bother to reply to me

    Anonymous June 27, 2017 7:47 am

    I am just going to point out something, in some cultures a family member kissing another family member in the lips is a norm. I know that growing up in the united states you guys were though that kissing is reserved for that "special someone" and doing the same to a kid is some pedophilia shit that shouldn't happen. Weird i know? But i've seen brother kiss younger brother in the lips or sisters in the lips in my culture and it isn't some disgusting shit that people in the US think it is. It's normal for us, in all honesty is still considered family love. He did the same with the twins, and their reasoning was he grew up like that... (This shouldn't be added as a reason to suggest that Haru is a pedophile, it's just considered family love.. And no my fujoshi brain hasn't been fried. Just that my culture does the same thing)
    Now, If he fucking trust his tongue inside of ren right from the get go when he was a damn kid i would also be screaming pedophile.!! lol
    Oh about the whole age of consent. I honesty do think that a person who is 15 and older has enough brain capacity to make their own decision. Ren started liking him as more than a brother in middle school. He never went to school before, his intelligence was that of a baby (i'm sorry) so he was about 14-15 in middle school. For me that's pretty much consent because he had an actual though process. He's pretty much a teen.. so it wouldn't be considered pedophilia, in US terms is sexual abuse because haru is older and ren is a teen.
    Now i am going to agree that with the way Ren grew up, the only person who showed him love and appreciate him and didn't abuse him was Haru. So for him he pretty much didn't get the change to meet others because he fell in love with Haru because he was the only one their....
    This is just my added opinion of how i see things... :3

    Anonymous June 27, 2017 7:52 am

    The fact that you're still going to keep reading for whatever reason means youre supporting it and in turn means youre not as outraged as you claimed to be

    Superman June 27, 2017 8:06 am
    I am just going to point out something, in some cultures a family member kissing another family member in the lips is a norm. I know that growing up in the united states you guys were though that kissing is res... @Anonymous

    Appreciated thought totally agree what haru did was brotherly lobe towards ren that kiss was chuuu due to hapiness damn i kiss my little sibling on lips i am much older then them i am no pedo here please.

    YouSkank June 27, 2017 10:25 am
    The pig really can't resist molesting a child, ayy. Even worse these dumb cunts commenting "I can't wait for Haru to sex up ren! hihihihi" pathetic and revolting sluts rooting for the equally deplorable horny p... @Superman

    If he really wanted what's the best for Ren, their relationship wouldn't evolve past "familial relationship". PERIOD. He would've stay away from him. The pig is CLEARLY aware of EVERY step he make towards Ren. When he realised that "oh, this is something that is not normal anymore" he should've turned around and fucking walk away because if that pig is half the man you and your fellow fangirls describe he is (being the oh so loving "big bro", responsible etc etc), he would've been able to see those red flags fucking waving in front of his eyes but NO. Things are already messy for Ren but his horny self can't fucking restrain his libido and made the situation much more complicated because he is not using his brain at all but rather that disgusting nether part of him.

    and no I'm not talking about that comment because if you can clearly read and COUNT, that is not the post I was talking about, illiterate fangirl.

    Oh and about that kissing-culture you all love to use as an excuse to further defend the pedo pig, yes, there are parts in asia where it's culturally acceptable to kiss your family member BUT it is seen as normal ONLY if you literally grew up with them and has essentially strong FAMILIAL foundation with the said family member/s. Haru was neither of those two.

    Anonimo June 27, 2017 10:30 am
    If he really wanted what's the best for Ren, their relationship wouldn't evolve past "familial relationship". PERIOD. He would've stay away from him. The pig is CLEARLY aware of EVERY step he make towards Ren. ... @YouSkank

    Okay, we get it you hate this manga to your very core. But if you think that namecalling is gonna help people take you seriously then you're absolutely wrong. Maybe if you would calm down a little then maybe people wouldn't hate your guts and respect your opinion.
    Second of all, what do you hope to achieve by calling people names? Do you think that just coz you don't like this manga others won't? Or better yet they will stop liking it? Please get of your high horse and realize that there are soooo many people in this world hence there is bound to be a conflict of opinion. Please don't try to make people conform to your opinion coz that's never gonna happen.
    That's my two cents, but if you insist on replying back with namecalling then you're a lost cause. Peace.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    YouSkank June 27, 2017 10:55 am
    Okay, we get it you hate this manga to your very core. But if you think that namecalling is gonna help people take you seriously then you're absolutely wrong. Maybe if you would calm down a little then maybe pe... @Anonimo

    I don't need your preaching, bitch. If you are not going to bring substantial points regarding about Haru not being his usual pig self to the table, then kindly refrain from posting with your good-two-shoe response, that is not needed, baboon.

    Anonimo June 27, 2017 11:01 am
    I don't need your preaching, bitch. If you are not going to bring substantial points regarding about Haru not being his usual pig self to the table, then kindly refrain from posting with your good-two-shoe resp... @YouSkank

    Yeah, okay clearly you refuse to listen to what I said.
    First of all, I never was preaching or being a goodie-two-shoes. I mean come on we are reading Yaoi here for Christ sakes so neither you nor I can really take the moral high ground.
    Second of all I don't know if all the abusive language has made you crazy but this is a comments' section meaning I or any other person can very well say whatever we want.
    But yeah, it's my fault for trying to reason with you. So guess what, I am not gonna continue this with a crazy person coz some say that crazy is infectious. Peace. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Anonimo June 27, 2017 11:07 am

    To all others, in my opinion it's of no use talking to YouSkank. They are clearly rude, arrogant and totting around here with their holier-than-thou attitude. They only resort to name-calling and are neither willing nor in the right mind to have a reasonable conversation with any of you. Just save yourselves from wasting your precious time and energy in engaging with this unreasonable person.

    YouSkank June 27, 2017 11:10 am
    To all others, in my opinion it's of no use talking to YouSkank. They are clearly rude, arrogant and totting around here with their holier-than-thou attitude. They only resort to name-calling and are neither wi... @Anonimo

    Mmmmmmkay. You still here? shoo shoo.

    Anonymous June 27, 2017 11:56 am
    If he really wanted what's the best for Ren, their relationship wouldn't evolve past "familial relationship". PERIOD. He would've stay away from him. The pig is CLEARLY aware of EVERY step he make towards Ren. ... @YouSkank

    This is Yaoi they are supposed to have love relationship here .because they are the main character it wouldn't have been yapi if haru would have remained his brother why are you even here if you dont want to see relationship like that .and ren was 8 year old he became close to haru like no one does as a brother its was okay to kiss but in your mind you have something else .when the relationship started the things that was messy was for haru but you could not see that because you are stick in hating haru and calling him pedophile i just asekd how he is pedophile but i still haven't had any answer i am asking again how he is pedophile.? And please refrain your self feom abusing i haven't done anything to you i am jist asking here.

    StepLeft June 27, 2017 12:32 pm
    This is Yaoi they are supposed to have love relationship here .because they are the main character it wouldn't have been yapi if haru would have remained his brother why are you even here if you dont want to se... @Anonymous

    Another dumb cunt. It takes time to form strong familial bond and be comfortable to the point of KISSING someone. Pig was literally on vacation, literally few months and you want me to believe that it's okay to kiss a fucking kid in a span of few months cause hey Haru sees him as a lil bro! omg so cute so it's okay to do those things hihhihi

    BITCH NO. If you really love someone in a familial way, it would NOT turn out the way the Pig "developed" his disgusting "feelings". You see, what's wrong with these type of story is that, creators always and I mean ALWAYS cheapen and degrade familial bonds it's actually DISGUSTING in favour of "romantic" development. It's always: I luv him as a bro! this and that BUT eventually turned in "romantic" direction. No, that is NOT familial love in the first place, I'm sick and tired of these hoes making the same mistakes OVER and OVER again. When you say you love someone like a bro or sis, fucking MEAN it with no other hidden agenda. The only difference with blood-related and someone that is not is the blood-flowong in your veins, that's it. There are even cases where someone familial bond with a non-relative is stronger than that of someone in the family.

    Pig Haru did NOT feel a familial connection to Ren, that is stupid. There'a always SOMETHING in him with ill-intention towards Ren in the first place. You can't just go: Oh Ren! I lurve u as a bro wen u r a kid but only that you are slightly grown up I think it's not familial love anymore! I wanna bed u someday so for the meantime, lemme french kiss u and help u masturbate while inserting my fingers inside ur delicate hole! <3


    YouSkank June 27, 2017 12:36 pm
    This is Yaoi they are supposed to have love relationship here .because they are the main character it wouldn't have been yapi if haru would have remained his brother why are you even here if you dont want to se... @Anonymous

    Another dumb cunt. It takes time to form strong familial bond and be comfortable to the point of KISSING someone. Pig was literally on vacation, literally few months and you want me to believe that it's okay to kiss a fucking kid in a span of few months cause hey Haru sees him as a lil bro! omg so cute so it's okay to do those things hihhihi

    BITCH NO. If you really love someone in a familial way, it would NOT turn out the way the Pig "developed" his disgusting "feelings". You see, what's wrong with these type of story is that, creators always and I mean ALWAYS cheapen and degrade familial bonds it's actually DISGUSTING in favour of "romantic" development. It's always: I luv him as a bro! this and that BUT eventually turned in "romantic" direction. No, that is NOT familial love in the first place, I'm sick and tired of these hoes making the same mistakes OVER and OVER again. When you say you love someone like a bro or sis, fucking MEAN it with no other hidden agenda. The only difference with blood-related and someone that is not is the blood-flowong in your veins, that's it. There are even cases where someone familial bond with a non-relative is stronger than that of someone in the family.

    Pig Haru did NOT feel a familial connection to Ren, that is stupid. There'a always SOMETHING in him with ill-intention towards Ren in the first place. You can't just go: Oh Ren! I lurve u as a bro wen u r a kid but only that you are slightly grown up I think it's not familial love anymore! I wanna bed u someday so for the meantime, lemme french kiss u and help u masturbate while inserting my fingers inside ur delicate hole! <3


    Anonymous June 27, 2017 12:49 pm
    Another dumb cunt. It takes time to form strong familial bond and be comfortable to the point of KISSING someone. Pig was literally on vacation, literally few months and you want me to believe that it's okay to... @YouSkank

    You don't get the point you talk big and talk about familial bond where you cant even reaspect another person and abusing countlessly from the start . Not every relationship work as you will say .it didnt took time to form bont with ren thats why they got close at that time there was no romantic feeling involved he was just a liitle child but you obviously hate haru so you cant see that.when your mind is in a cutter a sinple parnet love will also seem lust to you so i cant help that and i dont want you to believe anymore because you dont seem like a person who can have a decent conversation. haru lost his memories of ren remember when he satrted to have romatic feeling towards ren his memories came bit by bit..its up to author whta they want to right you have no right to abuse them you dint like the work write it politely. And agin it is taoi it was supposed to go this way you dont seem to understand that i dont know why.
    And again this was my last reply .i hope you won't get any prblem with these type of messages because its too revolting and no idea what will happen if it got out of hand. Anyway i pray you will learn some decency and how to talk to other. All the best goodluck and bie

    YouSkank June 27, 2017 12:57 pm
    You don't get the point you talk big and talk about familial bond where you cant even reaspect another person and abusing countlessly from the start . Not every relationship work as you will say .it didnt took ... @Anonymous

    Bitch can you at least learn to spell properly? Ain't nobody got time to read that shambled post. Oh well, scoot away, uneducated slut.

    Anonymous June 27, 2017 1:05 pm
    Bitch can you at least learn to spell properly? Ain't nobody got time to read that shambled post. Oh well, scoot away, uneducated slut. @YouSkank

    Hehdid da msmdkdiw. Dndmslaj smdmnd sndwladn

    Say10_grandpa June 27, 2017 8:36 pm
    The fact that you're still going to keep reading for whatever reason means youre supporting it and in turn means youre not as outraged as you claimed to be @Anonymous

    I made this conclusion a while back but have been reading this manga for years. I couldnt drop something I use to rly love but then realized some things weren't right and would just shut out the manga entirely. I love many of the characters (Ren, the twins, Juzeen, Akira, Seiji) but jus have a problem with a certain relationship. Not gonna lie Miyuki's art is beautiful and she does make lovely character developments just not all of them. There's also (even if it's very small) a chance for the sex scene to not happen. And I went back and read some comments and yeah I guess I wouldn't call him a pedo (actual definition is a disorder in adults who only have sexual attractions to smaller children) but he's definitely a sort of perv.

    X June 28, 2017 5:12 am
    Another dumb cunt. It takes time to form strong familial bond and be comfortable to the point of KISSING someone. Pig was literally on vacation, literally few months and you want me to believe that it's okay to... @YouSkank

    I have someone i love but then my mom remarried and my step dad introduce me to my step brother the boy i love and now became my step brother i know it's sound like manga or tv drama or something but it's true and it's hard to know the man you love became your brother but thank god he didn't know i like him and didn't like me back so i know haru feeling you said that they family and haru kissing ren is wrong i know it's wrong but But he does not choose his life to be that way. He would be happier if they were not family but life said otherwise

    Bae June 28, 2017 8:23 am
    I have someone i love but then my mom remarried and my step dad introduce me to my step brother the boy i love and now became my step brother i know it's sound like manga or tv drama or something but it's true ... @X

    Let it be hon . She or he will only abuse and say some stupid thing .its a llort .

Say10_grandpa's questions ( All 3 )

Say10_grandpa July 16, 2017 6:07 am

Name the ships you wish were canon but could never be (bl?)

    Anonymous July 16, 2017 6:14 am

    Hide x kaneki

    Kuma-Chan! July 16, 2017 6:28 am

    nagisa x karma
    shiro x kuroh
    light x l
    atsushi x dazai
    tanaka x ohta/oota
    moThErFukKiN agata x hisomu!!!! Am I the only one?!?!
    dan x ph- who the fuck
    (I know I'm the only one) ryuji x yuuta *cri*
    (once again) kaneki x uta
    eren x levi fujoshi... ACTIVATE! but am i seriously the only one who thinks levi should top? apparently...
    that's all I can think of right now

    reniedenie July 16, 2017 6:35 am
    Hide x kaneki @Anonymous


    Kwysis July 16, 2017 6:57 am

    naruto x sasuke ...

    mini chameleon July 16, 2017 7:03 am
    naruto x sasuke ... Kwysis

    Feelsbadman :'(((

    Momo July 16, 2017 7:11 am
    nagisa x karmashiro x kurohlight x l atsushi x dazaitanaka x ohta/ootamoThErFukKiN agata x hisomu!!!! Am I the only one?!?!dan x ph- who the fuck(I know I'm the only one) ryuji x yuuta *cri*(once again) kaneki ... Kuma-Chan!

    OMG!!! I thought I was the only one who ships atsushi x dazai bc mostly everyone ships dazai with the other dudes name tht I cannot remember (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 and yasss Tanaka x ohta yasss I've found a new friend *if u don't mind of course* but anyways... Hi!! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Tori July 16, 2017 7:42 am

    Akise x yuki

    ishojuf July 16, 2017 8:00 am

    England x japan

    midnight90 July 16, 2017 8:34 am

    Kageyama x hinata
    Tsukishima x yamaguchi
    Daichi x sugawara
    Kuroo x kenma
    Bokuto x akaashi
    Man, haikyu really has a lot of potential pairing

    midnight90 July 16, 2017 8:36 am

    Yuno x astar

    tokidoki July 16, 2017 8:42 am

    RoyxEd (FMA)
    KojiroxShiro (Adekan)
    HalxKai (switch)

    Anonymous July 16, 2017 9:33 am

    Sousuke X Makoto
    Sawamura X Chris-senpai
    Akashi X Furihata
    Daichi X Kuroo
    Hinata X Oikawa

    Anonymous July 16, 2017 9:34 am

    Mob X Hinata
    Mob X Kuroko
    Mob x Sugawara
    Mob x Kageyama
    Mob x Pico
    Mob x Pico x Coco x Chico

    elliemangago July 16, 2017 9:43 am

    Too long so im gonna make it short


    daddytaeforkook July 16, 2017 9:58 am
    nagisa x karmashiro x kurohlight x l atsushi x dazaitanaka x ohta/ootamoThErFukKiN agata x hisomu!!!! Am I the only one?!?!dan x ph- who the fuck(I know I'm the only one) ryuji x yuuta *cri*(once again) kaneki ... Kuma-Chan!

    yes~ top!levi for lifeuuu~ he's hot af. I likeyyy. ;))

    Jeagerjaques July 16, 2017 11:27 am

    Sousuke x makoto (free)
    Law x luffy (one piece)
    Daichi x hinata (haikyuu)
    Zoro x luffy (one piece)
    Mizuki x tsukushi (days)
    Shuuhei x ichigo (bleach)
    Sting x gray x natsu (fairy tail)
    Kirito x jun (sword art online)
    Shizuo x izaya (Durarara)
    Aomine x akashi (KnB)
    Tazaki x sakuma (jokergame)
    Kirei x gilgamesh (fatezero)
    Abeno x ashiya (fukigen na mononokean)
    Usui x Mob (Kaichou wa maid sama)
    Arthur x ciel (kuroshitsuji:bookofmurder)
    Akise x yukiteru (mirainikki)
    Suwa x kakeru (orange)
    Kouen x sinbad (magi)

    Kuma-Chan! July 16, 2017 6:00 pm
    OMG!!! I thought I was the only one who ships atsushi x dazai bc mostly everyone ships dazai with the other dudes name tht I cannot remember (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 and yasss Tanaka x ohta yasss I've found a new frie... Momo


    Kuma-Chan! July 16, 2017 6:00 pm
    yes~ top!levi for lifeuuu~ he's hot af. I likeyyy. ;)) daddytaeforkook


    Kwysis July 16, 2017 8:37 pm

    my ultimate ship .

Say10_grandpa July 5, 2017 6:09 am

Shounen ai that has a theatre group with guys in it all doing plays? Both a blonde and a black haired main I think

Say10_grandpa's message board ( All 0 )

Just a sad lil fujo always lurking for some quality bl but never finding any.. also WHY DOES MY KEYBOARD KNOW WHAT IM TYPING NEXT
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