m such a basic bitch but i wanted more of the best friend zoned guys
Blue Name Pressure my ass more like Blue Ball Pressure you can NOT be leaving me hanging like this my guy!!!!!
icb im so obsessed with a manga, I'VE REREAD THIS SO MANY TIMES AND IT NEVER BORED ME
why's he looking at me like im gonna steal abel DAWG he's urs stop w them eyes i am NOT interested
Yeah so here's something... COMMUNICATION is a thing guys! Hope this helps!
"He's bleeding, you fuckers" AGSHJFJSHFHSHFJHD TUCKS MY HAIR???!!???? Oh my god... KICKS MY FEET AND GIGGLES,, Karas..
HAHAUAHAHHAHA He saw him curse the shit out of that Jinsang bastard in ENGLISH and he's like.. "Wow" LIKE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SO MESMERIZED FOR LOSER BOYYY
Want the omega to be equally as fuckin insane I want him to find out all the shit Alpha did and NOT care because he's too reliant on the alpha that at this point he'd do anything just to not get separated with him
I want him to find out and go "Oh so you did this all for me so now you got to stay with me" I WANT HIM TO BE EQUALLY INSANE!!!!!!!! I WANT HIM TO DO INSANE SHIT AS WELK
This is one of the best story I've read in here hply fuck, it's a well thought out plot and the amount of plot twists FUCKKKCCHHSHS THE TITLE DROP TOO??? HOW TO RAISE A SACRIFICE/VICTIM AUGHHDHDHXHHDDHDH i love this story so much plz someone pick it up PLEASE
me when there's breeding kinks even though they're biologically unable to get pregnant (in this universe at least) JSNXNXNXNNSNDNHGGHHSHSHWOOFOWOFOFO