I feel like adapting from novel to manhwa is generally a hit or miss and this one fall right in the middle. Ofc I’m vey biased though, I love the novel a lot and picky about adaptations the main miss with this one though doesn’t have anything to do with the author, it’s because the English license is r15. there’s a good amount of sexual scenes in the novel and that’s where they are very passionate and raw with eachother, they also tease eachother a lot (which is very cute) and the chemistry is just so good I love it. I feel like here their growth and affection for eachother is a bit hard to follow
Also the novel has sooooo many extras and thats where we see their relationship shine so I’m curious how that’ll be adapted
Anyways I definitely recommend reading the novel!!

Sure!! Here’s the link https://sleepytranslations.com/series/stranger/

rereading this and wow that car accident thing was really not needed at all LOL like what was the purpose of that but still it’s a very cute story and I always love to reread it

I always think of it as like the authors way of making them even from when Yool was in the hospital. Maybe it was a very short arc though so it’s very strange to me as well and then being like “oh no he has ptsd” and then him just not anymore I was like “???? Happy for you king but idk if that’s how that works without therapy” just unnecessary but I’ll also take the drama soooooo idk love this manwha so much regardless

I think it's one way to show why gay marriages should be legalized in more countries and asap, and why we should really do sth about making it real. Because accidents do happen to ppl in gay relationships too, and sometimes it's impossible to see your loved one that could be in deadly dangerous state (╯︵╰,)

Genuinely believe all my current thoughts on this would be answered with takeo pov But from what I kinda got from his character is that loving wako came very naturally to him, like it’s just something that he didn’t notice at first and when he did he just went along with it because.. well why wouldn’t he LOL What I really don’t get is why the author went with the takeo shingo misunderstanding, I just feel like ao probably would’ve made more sense for that type of understanding cause even if he didn’t like ao at all I still do think that ao’s relationship with shingo and his talk with ao + how ao talked about shingo in the other story did open up his perspective on relationships and the type of people he could love and that could’ve been explained when they had that whole misunderstanding but IDK that is just my thoughts I still desperately need takeo’s pov

Sometimes I feel like joobin is kinda facepalm type of character u know? Like why couldn’t he just tell yikyung himself I seriously don’t get it. Idkkkkk to me after they got together the story is just all about yikyung getting hurt or jealous for the nth—> They have sex + make up and repeat. I just feel like there hasn’t been much growth in certain aspects of the story and character development
Why is rindo so stupid like yanagi has been a problem since DAY 1!!!!! And he’s still a problem 100 + chapters after like how does that even make senseeee. Maybe stupid is too harsh but he’s seriously so naive it’s just laughable atp, like yeah what a surprise you’re gonna get kidnapped AGAIN by the SAME GUY
I don’t hate him as character but it’s more like seeing someone put on pants that are on fire and then being shocked that the pants hurt them. Like what did u expect……. It’s not like yanagi is even hiding his craziness
Like idk I know he’s naive at heart and has a forgiving nature but I just expected after encountering a crazy guy that kidnapped you that’s also trying to forcibly tattoo you, a crazy ex trying to kill you, another guy that almost killed you, and MORE that he’d be a little less trusting