Remake of Eko Eko Azaraku.The original manga focuses on high school student Misa, a model student wh...
- Author: Shinichi koga,Jta yamada
- Genres: Gore / Demons / Drama / Ghosts / Horror / Monsters / Psychological / Supernatural
Laid-back and somewhat absent-mindedly seductive umbrella craftsman Shiro (sans loincloth) and hot-b...
- Author: Nao Tsukiji
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Drama / Historical / Mystery / Shoujo / Supernatural / Psychological
From Null:Congratulations! You are one of the 1 in 100,000 people who have been entered in the amazi...
- Author: kaitani shinobu
- Genres: Drama / Mystery / Psychological / Seinen
A girl in a small village · Coco always wanted to be a wizard. But those who can not u...
- Author: SHIRAHAMA Kamome
- Genres: Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Seinen / Tragedy
Set on the Silk Road that connected Asia with Europe before the modern times. The story of Amira, a ...
- Author: Mori Kaoru
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Romance / Seinen
Chang An in the Tang Dynasty of China (618-907): The demon star is passing through the sky, clamity ...
- Author: xia da
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Drama / Gender Bender / Historical / Seinen / Shoujo / webtoons
It was going so well.... and then weird relationship jumpscare and it's not even mainly the huge ass age gap it's the fact that they have a caretaker relationship and he's a foster parent like that's basically incestuous why can't we have normal parental relationships
Similar to where FL is involved in political intrigue
Anything that has changed your brain chemistry for life (can be the most beautiful thing in existence or the most miserable just want impact)
I think it was guideverse and the seme was dark skinned and was the guide and the esper uke had a nasty temper probably dubcon