Ive read this up to ch22 and i cant do it anymore, the plot is so wasted like ?? I think its established quite well but not really executed in the proper way (iygwim?) like the uke is so spineless and boring to carry out the revenge, the seme doesnt have any other thoughts nor action aside from not understanding the uke’s behaviour, none of the dialogues seem to hit an impact as well.. im not asking for masterpiece level but sigh i definitely cant continue

I cant with these two… they shave off 10 years of my life whenever theres a new chapter………. i was screaming like a little girl and i had to pause every page and then rereading it thrice cause i cant believe what just happened….. fawk…………… THESE TWO WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME……. Kyouji the man you are…… and satomi omg i wanna hug you my baby

1. How have I not discovered this gem earlier (but actually i wished i discovered this later so that I can read this when its completed and not be blueballed like this)
2. I fucking love Hayden and Brett’s dynamics and their conversations (they matched each other’s freak but now Brett cant catch up lmaoo). Also part of me wants to see Brett getting the mental change to be able to love (though idk how the author plans it since if hes very similar to his father then Hayden is in for a long ride), another part of me wants brett to get pierced by the sword of justice for being such an asshole lmao… sigh hes such an incredible character. We need more of his pov
3. This story really thrives on the show dont tell method, one example was in the first few chapters after brett made the proposition, hayden actually dragged brett to the toilet for sex lmao its such a nice detail and i really love finding the hints that the author left
4. Good lord can i have brett and his brother sandwich me during a 3p thanks why the fuck are they so hot for