I'm so sick of the "righteous bastards" acting like they are embodiment of justice when all they have is superior complex and nothing more. Even in chap 79 that pyung guy kills the girl and what does that hairband dude does. "Oh it's unfortunate a commoner got killed but no matter my priority is to safely get pyung to safety".
Ik both sides are not good but at least the not so righteous sect does so in open eyes

Okaaaaay no matter how many times I try to read this I haven't been able to since that chapter with fake pregnancy (+2,3 more chaps) cause how is gurl so sure she will find the man she spent her old lady days with.?
I mean isn't it common sense that face changes when you get old, and miss girl doesn't even know who that man is. All she has is the name. I'm sorry but I'm dropping this. I can't continue reading this when this big of a pothole is there and I just go in circles
Was it so hard to give something that isn't the typical "I reincarnated as a side character but the main characters aren't interested in each other SO I HAVE to make them " like" each other cause this is a world of novel and the ending has to have the ending of the novel".?
I'm so mad, like why are u interfering gurl.? Live your damn life, get away from the main leads, go to your territory there are so many things to do and you are stuck up on that.??
I know this manhwa is good but what is the obsession with sticking the main characters together if they don't want to.?
Sometimes I feel like the side characters are like delulu kpop stans who stans their idols with idols of their preferences and if even their hairs touch they make a fanvid of it.
I relate to this feeling sm buuuuut at least with this one it seems like there’s an actual consequence with the to OG leads not being together (as of right now, though I bet it’s being manufactured somehow)
Yeah... but tbh? I'm like... bish let her d!e this time! Mc suffered so much all those lives because of her. She can take the fall at least once right?
Someone in the comments said that ogFL actually had bad luck/ cursed and she's dumping them on now FL & ML and there's another main villain and I think it's possible. The only consequences I'm seeing rn is ogFL getting involved in accidents and I think it's because FL isn't there as a punching bag.
If that was me I would distance myself from ogFL cause who dies 20 times cause of one single person
Ikr.!!!! Like let her have a taste of her own medicine at least once.?
Noooooo I must be too trusting, I fully thought the ogFL was being genuine and someone just really hated (and framed) our FL in all of the past timelines. 100% let the ogFL suffer this time >:(
I'm not so sure if it was assumed or was factual. But that was written. It maybe not that but I'm not sure.
Idk if I'm right but from what I got from the spoilers I got is: There's a 3rd woman that likes the ML and kinda "cursed" the ogFL in the 1st timeline but the bad luck was diverted to ML and MC. And whenever she doesn't get the ending she wants she reverts time to try again and this 20th time is her last chance. I don't really know the how's and why's... but thats the gist of it.
Honestly even if it's not on purpose and the will of the ogFL I still think she deserves to live this life full of bad luck because liking or not everything that happened to MC was because of her. I'll probably drop this one because it have 2 plot devices I hate: 1 MC trying to "fix" things according to novel; 2 MC sticking with OgFL despite all she went through because "she's a nice friend and wasn't her fault". Those 2 makes me think the MC is stewpid and not very human cuz let's be real, someone normal would hate OgFl to death by this point... even more if she doesn't know there's someone else behind the scenes.
I too absolutely hate the follow the script disease.
But i would disagree about the Og FL : bad thing are done in her name, but she genuinely tried to stop it, and save her friend. Up until the end she never betrayed her, even when she was badly framed. I also believe that there’s absolutely no happy ending for her, if it costed her her friend’s life. She’s straightforward and honest to the boot, i have no doubt she would have dumped the ML at all times
I understand also that the MC might hate the script and become mad with it, while not blaming her good friend for it… although it would make sense she’d tried to put an ocean between them ? Why didn’t she ? (Even more now that we know she has a big brother abroad ?
Exactly my thoughts about her leaving!
I do get it was not OgFl intention an she took her side all those times... but she WAS also the reason MC suffered that much. So it is kinda weird she doesn't hold grudges and would put herself in harms way for her like that.
When I say I think she deserves it it's not because she is a bad person. It's because she was the one sho should have lived that cursed life from the start. She was the one cursed, so why should MC suffer in her stead? Why should her insist in protect her instead of leaving her to deal with it? If OgFL thinks she's cursed she should try to deal with it instead of dragging her "bestie" into it! MC weird altruism wanting to help her instead of being frigging glad she's apparently free is what bothers me.
I'm kinda tired of holy marys possessing villainess and being all forgiving selfless altruistic and naive to love MCs... even more so when they are modern adult women. They transmigrate and suddenly have no idea how society works anymore, never had male acquaintances (not to mention friends and lovers), and just... waste their potential as modern people and villainess... I get the trying to better their reputation to live... but they often do it in such dumb ways it's infuriating instead... just how I just thought: bish you're free, run! Run to another country, another continent if you can! You have the money for it, you have the brain for it! Why stick to protagonists instead?
This!!! I get if Mc tried to go with the flow the first few times but you'll think after the 10th they'll try something different or investigate themselves whats going on. The trauma along she's facing now is a consequence of her doing nothing productive. She might as well jump off the deep end since she's allow her end to happen over & over. Seems like she's only changing 1 part every life & it's irritating.
Like you said she's a modern woman & read this story so she has a leg up on the place. I doubt improving her reputation would work since she's frame every life easily. It bothers me how now her brother & the other ML are suddenly here. Why weren't they back when she was in prison? Why now?
Her not questioning these new events are bothersome & I wish she actually tried to think instead of pushing the main 2 together (I hate this trope). Ngl I would've abandoned the ogfl long ago just to save myself from repeating the end. She's weird & it would make more sense if she's trying to return to her own world at this point bc she gave up already.