Bruhh why would anyone root for a literal psycho who graped assaulted and hurt mc numerous times than the green flag guy? He does not have any redeeming qualities like bffr
facts oh my days. EVEN MC HATES HIS GUTS. during the sexual assault scenes, all he could think about was how much he hates the ML. i really like the MC in this case because HE ADMITS THAT THE ML IS BAD AND DOESN'T GET SWAYED WITH ML'S "affectionate" acts. HE ALSO IS STARTING TO APPRECIATE THE 2ND ML (which is sooo rare in bl manhwas with love triangles where mc blatantly ignores green flags for red flags (sooo annoying)). I CANNOT LIKE THE FIRST ML, i really cannot. he murdered villages without a care (psychopath) and is a rapist. sorry, NO THANKS.
seme's bro and uke obviously like one another. their scenes are so angsty and high with tension. why would the writer invest to much time to develop their relationship and explore their feelings for each other to cast him aside for a f*cking psycho?