these men will do anything but sit down and have an actual conversation
it's crazy how far we've come like i remember being here from chapter one having no idea what an absolute gem this would be. Ive literally graduated highschool and started college in the time Shutline has been ongoing shit makes me a little sentimental thinking about it
please, for the love of god lock in and quit fucking. my eyes keep glazing over it's starting to get boring at this point
i really love the parallels between Heechan and Taekin, especially with their home lives and school lives. Circumstances are different, but similar enough to where Heechan is learning and growing as a person through Taekin. He's getting to do things he never got to do back when he was his age, and you can tell it's pretty cathartic for him. I think Heechan felt that Taekin was weak for a long time and so dismissed any similarities they had, but we're (and he's) seeing now that Taekin was actually really strong. Even if it was in a different way.
I hope we get to see Taekin and Heechan meet properly when all this is over. A proper interaction between them would be really emotional to see. Especially with how hard Heechan is fighting for and willing to fight for him.
someone's definitely getting impregnated by the time this is over and i fear it will not be joohwan
oh his masochist ass is for SURE gonna ask joohwan to choke him
bada PLEASE i am BEGGING you run from this man!!! he's gonna start talking some shit about eating you at this rate
don't worry guys i WILL be intervening and trust he WILL be dealt with
im actually really curious about what the deal with the class president is specifically. like obviously he knows that his brother is a fucking predator but it seems more complex than that. and korean diddy's backstory? and then the fact they're both terrified of their father? i want to know what the hell is going on with that family so bad because shit is CRAZY