I don't think Jacques is trying to do the deed with Theo. I think she knows he's suffered some sort of damage (his back, and maybe other places hidden by his clothes), and she just wants to check the wounds out. I know we had that steamy bath scene where we saw Theo mostly naked and there weren't any wounds or anything, but that could be an illusion spell or something that Theo casted on himself, and Jacques has just seen through all the bs and is not taking any of it anymore. Or she wants to study Theo's changes after he came out of Umehiko's mind?
I know Jacques was first introduced as "Dr", but I'm wondering if she is only a healer kind of 'Dr', or "Dr" as in PhD, and loves to study different effects of magic.
Titles aside, she seems to have fun being misleading, so there's that. I think she just let her shirt drop to be extra misleading for shits and giggles (for her, at least). I don't think she's necessarily lesbian, even though she dotes on Momo a lot. I think it's more like a caretaker-and-ward relationship.
...Is the white cat that is the main character's system the same one SO was always tangled with in every story timeline? The plot thickens...(?) Or is it actually the system?