Read this for the first time after watching twice the tv show. Even though I already knew two thirds of the story I couldn’t not think: will Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa this time again? This is how well paced is the story line. I loved how the character always seek their improvement, hungry to become number one!!!!

Is it worth reading? The comments say the censorship is ridiculously invasive and ruins the reading experience. I’d like to know if the plot at least is interesting

I would recommend you to read the novel, because I only here to see their handsome faces and not really focus on the story as the translation would make you confuse. The novel is one of my favorites, it can be quite a heavy read for those who dislike reading. The translation of this novel has not yet finish, however I still hope you could give the novel a chance and read it.
Noooooooo, how can it be finished like this? Give us more!!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛