That red haired girl.. I was actually feeling sorry for her before the update. But given a cent she takes it a mile! My heart goes out to that poor black haired relative of hers..
Also I can't believe the emperor said the thing; "Interesting"
But I'm glad it wasn't directed towards Philomel to be used as a pathetic show of attachment to your kid.
Ah the latest chapter omg, I've been fingers crossing so hard for this. Please be the unrequited background story character!!
Seriously, free my boy. he does not deserve the stress or the jail this flag is bringing.
Hatano, sweetums, you give me heart palpitations(bad) every time I see you so please find joy with another man, specifically your age. It's not a matter of 1-3 years(Still a lot when ur a teen), they are at different life stages. ahh so happy, mob be free!!
Aw the old style was really cute! But I do appreciate the added quality this new art style has with the extra depth, feels like when I just cleaned my glasses. Still, the old art style was super silly and so much more full of whimsy.. we’ll miss you, chibi Jesse..
The sight of chapter 50 made me question if I travelled in time, but the amount of placeholders is hilarious. (≧∀≦)
*jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair* splendid read.
I thought Jeremy was jealous of Shuri at the beginning because Shuri was the last one to see Johannes to do his will and that he died at midday. How come he suddenly dropped dead with dramatic thunder?
did it change or am I just annoyed and bitter because I miss her old eyes and cartoony expressions and a ton of other picky stuff
He’s handsome, very fun to see him cry but he also reminds me of my bsf ex! Maybe it’s the insecurities trying to cut off her friends and family.
Also being truthful completely, does that mean our girl is going to confess shes a different person? That would prolly be relieving for Mr Moore who’s impersonating a rich heir.
I’m so happy to see that his family is still there, just not in focus so it’s not like he’s leaving their memories in the dust but still healing. aourfh they keep making me cry >:’(
Poor Lee Sookyung. She doesn’t deserve this disrespect from yjh.
I check on this so much, I have consistently read the next chapter before the bell gets to notify me. Someone kill me and resurrect me when its finished so I can just binge.
Even the inky guy reminds me of siblings going “huh??? someone actually likes someone as crazy as you??”
i like this guy, but i just found out he likes another girl (hes not dating anyone rn) ik im not his type and we barely interact but i really like him anyways my friend is friends with the guy i like and she said she can put me on, but is it even worth doing anything? like im not his type and he likes another girl but i dont want to give yp but at......
Yall I’ve been reading a lot of revenge stories recently and it made me have 2 story ideas that i want to read so please tell me if there are any stories like this and if there aren’t ill just make it myself 1. Story where some who the MC loves ends up being a bad person I really want a story where there’s someone who the MC cares about an......
Did y’all see how people were so bitter over her race?? I would understand if the plot of the story was of cultural significance like Mulan or Aladdin but a damn fish?? “Ariel is Dutch she has to be white!!!!” NOBODY GAF complaining over a damn kids show…be fr Halle ate up her role
I associate everyone with their profile picture, like yes im talking to ash lynx
What is the weirdest term for 'dick'/'cum' have you ever heard or read? Like it needs to be weird enough that you stopped for a minute to process whatever you heard or read. I'll go first. I was reading a manga I don't remember which one but it had a sex scene where she called the dude's cum 'Dick Cheese'. I never touched it ever again. So yea, now......