tried to make a topic about this like five times but it kept getting shadowbanned so http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/241740/feed/5224050/ and if that gets gunched too https://i.imgur.com/3GGNqFq.png
tl;dr salty potatoes never threatened me i dropped manga willingly dont get angry on my behalf stop scalping

when i said i was dropping this that wasn’t an invitation to scalp their scans. come on. i dropped it out of respect for their work (and also because mine is way worse, especially now that I’ve learned more japanese. i really don’t want to reread my scanlation). that’s low.

When it comes to translating Mangas, it seems to be kind if an unfair playing field. But I di thank you for your translation. And I respect you for respecting the other scanlation group, even tho they are clearly not actively releasing anything (it always comes off as selfish when they do stuff like that). But respect to everyone.
I hope to see future work from you. And shame to whoever posted chapter 3.

Goddammit. I was meant to reply another comment but the connection just fuc it I just realized after posted.... those group really something else and pretty annoying maybe kiddos. Hope you are getting better now, do what you love the most. I also took a break bcs of these issue, it’s so irritating and ridiculous.

there are a lot of people in the comments offering their skills to help me scanlate. as I said I won’t be continuing this but if anyone else wants to start drawing kanji into google translate, I won’t stop you! the raws are available right here on this page for use (seriously!). I’d also look through all the comments here as a lot of people have offered me their services and maybe you guys should connect with each other... I’m not sure what I’m gonna tackle next but I’m gonna like triple check before I make any mistakes like I did with this one, just uh. keep an eye on my account here if you’re curious I suppose...

Thanks for your reply.
I think we can effectively try to continue the translation if... we find a translator ^^'7
But even these raws are from Salty Potatoes, is it okay to use them?
And where can we share the finalized work, here with the other two chapters, or create another page on Mangago for Sakurada Senpai? Since for rights reasons also apparently, Salty Potatoes doesn't want to share the rest.
Should we take responsability and share it on another page on Mangago? (Like that we can still delete it if the manga get a official translation?)

I'm gonna post this link again because I have zero hindsight and didn't realize how hard it would be to read in the anime ace font: https://www.facebook.com/S0ruTiPotat0/ please support translators who actually know what they're doing!

Are you the translator? You can go the manhwa page (any page of this manhwa) look to the left where a small grey flag is and press it, in the blank space (which says ''please write down the specific detail...) at the bottom leave the link of chapter 3 there, the admin will receive and upload it. That is all I know

I'll probably mention this in the next chapter intro, but the translators of the first chapter actually addressed the anorexia vs bulimia bit on their tumblr back in the day. https://801uranus.tumblr.com/post/158167814700/ obviously a lot of other people are talking about in the comments also but in the original it said anorexia. im not qualified to like say whether his condition is anorexia or bulimia but that is all
oh my god i rly spent time scanlating this didn’t i. that’s time i’m never getting back. not worth it. hopefully someone here got enjoyment out of my regrets. time to log out for another 6 months now
Thank you for complete it. I appreciate your hard work. Enjoy your 6 months. Hope to see you again. Once more, thank you for scan this :)