Trevor O created a topic of In The Deep

Okay now that the dog literally had a collar I'm actually seeing it as a pet so I'm sad, wouldn't it be so fuckin cool if the next one he comes across he keeps it as his pet and they become best buddies. This dude obviously has something to do with the muts right so what if theyre connected and the dogs get protective over him and see him as like their owner

Trevor O created a topic of Wet Sand

This chapter giving me a bad feeling, like that maybe those marks were not consensual

Trevor O created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Oh my God this fool, You got your entire family waiting for when you get out and you decide yeah it's a great idea to go and gamble the money I just won for them

Trevor O created a topic of Risky Vice

Honestly this story isn't even that bad if it was just written a little better, it's very rushed and doesn't give enough. I mean seriously like the idea of he joined his gang but was betrayed and he wants to avenge his brother is not that bad of an idea, but the way it's being executed is not it. and honestly I'm not even mad at the art, it's just that each chapter isnt giving us much so it's just not written well

The only reason anyone's reading this shit is to get off, either that or you must have a sibling kink

Trevor O created a topic of Waterside Night

It is getting so fucking good, and the author is teasing us

Trevor O asked a question

The only one I've found is dead body switch, I read another in the past two that I liked but forgot the title of. I adore zombie outbreak stories so if anyone has any recommendations, I've read plenty of other outbreak based manhwa's but I'd really like more zombie based ones

At this point I'm literally skipping through panels I just want the original story back it feels at this point like the story is done and this is just a way to keep it going, if that's the case honestly just i wish theyd say that it's done and make these Side Stories

Trevor O created a topic of In The Deep

Oh my god, did that squid thing just fucking impregnate him -

Trevor O created a topic of Dead man Switch

I think he got bit like I don't think he hurt himself I think one of the zombies bit him and that's why he was warning them to not come down

Trevor O created a topic of Touch Up

The memory loss isn't a trope i personally like but it wouldn't be as an annoying if I actually knew what was going on like it went from him dropping hints of leaving to him being gone and then back again within the same few panels

Trevor O created a topic of Macguffin

I better not read that this motherfucker slept with someone else

Trevor O created a topic of Waterside Night

I hope he kills them all for hurting our bby

Trevor O created a topic of Dead man Switch

Yes finally, I missed these two so much. I hope it continues to go into depth with the backstory

Trevor O created a topic of Slammer Dogs

fuckin finally, I'm honestly here for these two. Don't like the other guy but this dudes just one crazy mf who's also a huge softy

Trevor O created a topic of Unfinished Business

I was hoping for a love triangle bc Mido pisses me off, but yall may be right. They will likely make this a side couple situation

Trevor O created a topic of Waterside Night

In the beginning I think it was about dominating him, but now it's developed into so much more. Those kidnappers gonna have hell to pay

Trevor O created a topic of Touch Up

Someone really just needs to kill his dad already, this motherfucker is pissin me off

Trevor O created a topic of Unfinished Business

This story just got so much more interesting and why am I starting to root for that other guy? like i'm genuinely down for a love triangle here and that says a lot because I usually dont like love triangles

Trevor O created a topic of Bloody Lies

I started reading this during the non official uploads and came back to it and finished the season one final upload, so if someone could explain what just happened in that last chapter to me because i'm a little lost