vaneella March 8, 2025 2:50 am

I actually like the villains a lot. Alena is smart (although clueless and maybe a bit naive) and calculative. Her ex was also quite shameless (I like this quality from a villain). Her brother though is another story.

Also this story reminds me of Ebony. Like wanting to change the stereotypes of women in the empire/kingdom.

Crown prince? looks a bit sus. And we're teased already with characters from other countries.

vaneella March 4, 2025 11:27 pm

The scene where they sit together on the beach pier looking at jellyfish... I swear that's one of the most beautiful dialogues in a manhwa I've read in a long time. That scene when Ilya adjusted the gauge too, it's just so unique.

vaneella February 27, 2025 3:22 pm

The sentimentality/melodrama of MC's situation in the beginning reminds me of the manhwa A Thousand Cranes. I think this ends up on a lighter note (bar Jooyung). Honestly I even feel a little bit of pity for him at the end.

vaneella February 27, 2025 3:15 am

MC is merciless, I like it.

vaneella February 23, 2025 9:17 am

Of course Beriko-sensei always delivers

vaneella February 16, 2025 6:50 pm

Ooow love the bits of hints here and there

vaneella February 16, 2025 9:12 am

This deserves higher rating tbh its light and fluffy. The SA criticisms are valid but we have MLs who are literally red flags and criminals in other manhwas with higher ratings... feels like a double standard to me

    WEI YING SUPREMERCY February 16, 2025 4:31 pm

    Now this is weird. Having to say it like that as if the others that are criticizing the SA in this story also likes those types of stories ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    One February 18, 2025 6:14 pm
    Now this is weird. Having to say it like that as if the others that are criticizing the SA in this story also likes those types of stories ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ WEI YING SUPREMERCY

    Agree it's like they're saying " well they can do it so why can't we" which is weird as it shouldn't be acceptable in general. And just cause some like red flags doesn't mean everyone does. That's just generalizing & assuming ppls taste to prove a point.

    WEI YING SUPREMERCY February 18, 2025 6:22 pm
    Agree it's like they're saying " well they can do it so why can't we" which is weird as it shouldn't be acceptable in general. And just cause some like red flags doesn't mean everyone does. That's just generali... One

    Exactly. Why encourage for people to accept that it's okay if their partner SA's them bc the partner is a "green flag"? It's majorly weird, while yes there are stories who have red flags, crimminals in them and is at higher advantage bc it already was popular when it first started, it doesn't mean this story is superior bc it has done something " less" bad than those stories.!! It's as bad as those stories red flag stories!!

    One February 18, 2025 6:29 pm
    Exactly. Why encourage for people to accept that it's okay if their partner SA's them bc the partner is a "green flag"? It's majorly weird, while yes there are stories who have red flags, crimminals in them and... WEI YING SUPREMERCY

    Agree, their trying to take a light approach to a heavy topic like SA. Thats why the whole comment section is weird to me, as in general I find it weird to get mad or critique ppl for disliking sexual assualt in a story.

    WEI YING SUPREMERCY February 18, 2025 6:42 pm
    Agree, their trying to take a light approach to a heavy topic like SA. Thats why the whole comment section is weird to me, as in general I find it weird to get mad or critique ppl for disliking sexual assualt i... One

    I didn't even read this story anymore when I saw the comment section! It's like they're putting aside a major thing just bc it's an all cutesy story, this comment made me even more annoyed because why would we, as the people who can see the wrong in this validate the wrong in it it just because there are other stories that have alot bad things in them also??

    It's like saying ("oh I have trauma" and another person says "oh I have deeper trauma so I'm more superior than you and I had it even more harder!") Even though they equally went through bad things?????

    One February 18, 2025 6:54 pm
    I didn't even read this story anymore when I saw the comment section! It's like they're putting aside a major thing just bc it's an all cutesy story, this comment made me even more annoyed because why would we,... WEI YING SUPREMERCY

    I read through it and actually liked the art & the tops look but I hated it all the way until the end when I saw their was no punishment for the assualter. I agree it's the classic good art trumps the plot, and since it has a light hearted/cutesy feel to it kinda makes me dislike it more.

    WEI YING SUPREMERCY February 18, 2025 7:00 pm
    I read through it and actually liked the art & the tops look but I hated it all the way until the end when I saw their was no punishment for the assualter. I agree it's the classic good art trumps the plot,... One

    I don't think I'll be able to read this one, considering how the comments barely mentioned the SA then the author must have just put it aside and that would make me more annoyed lolol, thanks tho

    One February 18, 2025 7:30 pm
    I don't think I'll be able to read this one, considering how the comments barely mentioned the SA then the author must have just put it aside and that would make me more annoyed lolol, thanks tho WEI YING SUPREMERCY

    Np, I understand and have avoided a few stories for similar reasons. Glad I wasn't the only one that didn't like how easy they went over the SA.

vaneella January 14, 2024 8:41 pm

That title is a whole paragraph... anyway it's nice that they parted ways in good terms~

vaneella January 1, 2024 11:41 pm

But why Hangyul has to be the one to understand if Juyeon doesn't even want to explain anything? It's really exhausting to have a friend that doesn't even care about themselves and refuse to change. And as another commenter said below friendship is a two-way street, it needs effort from both sides. Hangyul is not an angel, he's an ordinary high school student. Why won't him get pissed off when he only receive the least amount of response everytime they interact?

    Prettypeoplelover January 2, 2024 4:26 am

    That's a good point. But I think we have to consider the fact that Hangyul approached Juyeon first. He knows that Juyeon is not normal (like the majority of students his age), therefore he wouldn't get the same reactions as a normal person. Also I think it's worth mentioning that hangyul was almost fantasizing and trying to paint him as a better person, which no one asked him to. So why is he hurt when the other person doesn't respond the way he expected him to?
    But hey they're hormonal teenagers trying to figure out their life path, what do I know?

vaneella January 1, 2024 12:36 pm

This is fun!

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