Hello :)
I’d like to ask you a piece of advice!
I’m currently studying Chinese at university and I would like to improve my listening skills. With Japanese it is easier because there are tons of animes. Does any of you know where I could find some in Chinese with English subtitles?
A Chinese anime. Was released last season and it's pretty good imo
I think it is better option to watch Chinese drama you can find some on kissasian
Hello everyone, I’m from Italy and I really enjoy talking with people from other countries :) what about you?
I’m currently study Chinese so I’m planning to start translating mangas as soon as possible to learn some more and help you have more updates! But I’ve just got an elementary child level so you’ll have to wait a bit hahah
im from the ....country beside India he he and also planning on learning chinese and korean( if i can find 15 willing ppl ( ̄∇ ̄") to join me) so i can atleast give summaries to people who are suffering right now just like me ... ╥﹏╥
Pakistan,Nepal,Bhutan, Bangladesh, which one are your from or is it srilanka Afghanistan
Bangladesh hehe ... im invisible ╥﹏╥
i just checked and realized my seniors use her videos to study Chinese ... thank you! i have to be good in English ╥﹏╥ or i wont have any future ... do you know any Korean ones as well?
I'm from the US but my mom is Japanese so I'm fluent. Trying to learn Spanish here, emphasis on trying. Im basically just doing it for language credits. I can barely understand a simple sentence lool (still got an A mwahaha. I'm so good at pretending to give a shit.)
but you are closer to thailand , do you get to see thai shows at your country? do you get to buy real mangas ? Sorry if im being rude ╥﹏╥
Really? hahaha yeah she’s very good! Nope’ I’m sorry, but do you know the famous boy that makes videos on Facebook called Dave? It’s page should be Dave’s world. He’s an American boy that lives in Korea and he always makes interesting videos where he teaches some vocabulary! Sometimes he compares Asian languages as well so try watching them (=・ω・=)
Wooow’ chemestry, so interesting!!
Yeah many characters are the same, they just read it in a different way! For one of my exams I had to study the basic structures of the sentences of every language, and compared to my language and chinese’s ones, Japanese is the complete opposite and it’s so difficult (⊙…⊙ )
I'm from the US! I can speak Chinese (mandarin) pretty fluently since that's my parents' first language, and have been studying Japanese for 5-ish years C:
I studied a little latin when I was in grade school. The thing I noticed about Italian & Spanish (I extended here because both of them are of latin origin) is that they're both not gender neutral. They have names and things that have gender characteristics which I don't often encounter in Nihonggo & Mandarin. Our language have that too maybe because we've been a Spanish colony. Culture assimilation is interesting.
Me too (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Yeah’ languages with gender are more difficult since there are lots of things people have to think about while talking! Italian is sooo hard, if it was a little bit more useful in the world I would be happy to have it as my native language.
Actually Chinese is not that diffucult (of course I’m just talking about its grammar, all the rest takes life away from me every single time I study it hahaha) since verbs do not have Inflection as Spanish, Italian, etc
I'm french! I learned english and "trying" to learn japanese.
Can't even tell hiraganas apart ;-;
I'm ok with pronunciations but daaamn those letters are hard to draw I swear they look like weirdly knotted ropes xD
Any help with japanese is appreciated, in return I can help with french since i heard foreigners have troubles with our grammar hahah
My dad's from Shanghai and my mom's from Hualien, Taiwan! Haha not at all, I think learning Chinese first helped a lot with learning Japanese in terms of reading and writing! Although sometimes I get them mixed up because I learned simplified Chinese, and a lot of the kanji that Japanese uses is derived from traditional Chinese lol
Hello! ^^ I'm American but I'm 24% Irish and I live in America :)
Yeah but for me, for example, is very difficult because its sentences are created in a completely different way. For example my language has relative clauses after the element they’re referring to (ex. the boy -that is running- is doing something), while Japanese has them in another order (runnig is that boy the and so on). Maybe the sentence is not right because I had to do that just in Italian till now hahaa but it was just to explain
Sorry I talk too much ( ̄▽ ̄")
Because Italian is known only here, and the country is slowly ruining so I actually want to go away
No, we actually just have dialects. I'm from Rome and almost anyone talks a strict dialect, it's just a difference in the sound of some consonants (sometimes we pronounce a ch sound as sh but here even if you do that everyone is going to understand you). While in places like Sardinia and Naples it is impossible to understand them when they speak dialect. In fact sometimes in language studies there are some of them that are recognized as different languages, but everyone speaks Italian, just in family or with close friends that come from your city you use dialect.
I know about Tagalog because my university teacher always names it hahah what's the name of yours? :)
I speak Tagalog, Bisaya, Ilocano (not fluent), and Ilonggo (not fluent). I grew up in a community speaking those language. The thing about my country since it's an archipelago each major island have dominant language. For instance, majority of Luzon speaks tagalog but a portion is speaking Pangasinense, Ilocano etc.,, Visayas has Bisaya, and Mindanao has muslim and regional bisaya. The political thing is that, children were all taught to speak Tagalog since childhood eventho we don't live in luzon. Tagalog was the national language eventhough it's not widely spoken in other islands. Oh, sorry for talking too much. How come your teacher knows it? Has she/he been in the Philippines?
How can it have 9.8/10 stars when it would deserve 543225790 stars?
There's no chapter that disappoints the readers and it's impossible not to love every single character
perhaps there isn't enough yaoi for a 10ner