
me when im ina complex charavters who just get thrown away for
drama competition and my opponent is gareth

srsly tjo
its so frustratung his plotpoint is how his rightful anger from nobody believing him and makimg him a villian and never asking him directly what happened, but then it just happens again?? why even mention it if u werent gonna make a moment where the truth comes out
his character is better than jacks coz jacks character is literally liking s&m and being nice
thats abt it
gareth is much deeper and complex

plushkitten answered question about question
when i first started reading a few years ago... it felt exciting to read those stories because first of all i love psychological horror . being raided in a bery relogious household, it felt like taboo, so it was exfited "breaking the rules". as i grew though i came to appreciate the slice of life comics and appreciate them much more than the weird ......
plushkitten created a topic of The Office Blind Date

what about granpa and cherrys grandma

plushkitten created a topic of What Should We Eat?

the mc was so annoying and both male leads were
like side characters when it was focused on one or the other
honestly it lacked plot and story and everything that could have been interesting for the plot had 0 sustenance and was dropped so easily the art is good so i had high hopes but i feel nothing after reading it.
both male leads were treated so wrong

the story translation is shit and the art is inconsistent and some of it is traced from the pixiv artists can anyone translate the orginal

its a badly translated reuploaf

plushkitten created a topic of Cherry Boy, That Girl

i thiught it was gonna be a funny romcom with berry and mandarin, but even tho it wasnt i still enjoy how it went. The mc was a little annoying at times but honestly this was a pretty realistic plot. i just felt the ending was a bit rushed. We have a lot of unasnwered questions

plushkitten shared experience about chat about anything
ive been using this app for years so ive read everything under the sun and every time i find something new and interesting it always has a shitty translation or has been left on chapter 5 for years WHEN WILL IT END

is seeing someone who looks exactly like ur crush just opposite gender and going "IS THAT HIS GF "

i stopped at like chapter 30


FL is a POS who didnt have any real character development and only apologized when he stood up
for himself
ML is a crybaby who doesnt do anything about to stop it or change it
both are crybabies with 0 communication skills and talk it out through sex
people im the comments saying if we dint like her we are mysoginistic are braindead if it was a man the reaction would be a 100 percent worse, gander doesnt change thr fact shes a whore with a shitty personality
this story also had 0 development with the 2nd male lead he was just there to prove that Ml1 had a bigger dick
Fl only appreciated the sixe and not personality

theres like 0 real feeling in these and the freaky scenes barely had any lustful moments

i dropped ot halway through cus i started getting tired of the repetitiveness can anyone spil the redt? i stopped around chap 50

for the first time the "novel Fl" doesmt secretly hate the FL and is secretly the villain ! its so refreshiengntjymty

plushkitten created a topic of Corpse Party: Musume

this was just shit genuinely no story and was all lolicon fanservice

how hard is it to put images im the right order -_-

dumbass crybaby ass ume but ch u worked a 9-5 man up