I was reading a book, I forgot the title and then suddenly forgot about that certain delusional name is until I stumble upon the Philippines’ senate candidacy vide where ineligible people has rights to run as a senator while it's fucking hard to find a job. There's a woman, in a video, is spouting nonsense like PINA.... So I tried searching what does that delusion name is, and it's called DELUSION OF GRANDEUR.

Some people found this type of manhwa disgusting. Yes, it is but we all know that we are perverts, and this type of manhwa... If we put down our common sense that il-tak is experiencing continues sexual harassment from the orange head and twisted adoration from her little sister, we can all say that the story is actually funny....

Perhaps it's because he thought that it's okay. Il-tak himself was 'forced' to sit on his lap and has no choice, might be the reason why the *red head (sorry for the mistake) audacious of touching him all over. Misinterpretation sometimes, about boys acting all gay. I have a group of friends, mostly boys are clingy to each other but not to the point that it will grope and act touch starved like that.

I'm curious about why the heck it ended just like that. I mean, I'm looking for some answers why the blonde mc was killed and who is perpetrator, and I'm also curious about the full backstory of the black haired guy,... The ending was so rush or it's just like that? Does the novel has a different ending?

You'd have to be able to read Korean though ^^lll
(but if you just want summaries/spoilers: https://www.novelupdatesforum.com/threads/two-empires-a-tale-of-one-slave-%EB%91%90-%EA%B0%9C%EC%9D%98-%EC%A0%9C%EA%B5%AD-%EC%A0%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%9D%98-%EB%85%B8%EC%98%88.157304/ )
Our team won, and my heart too. Go my horsie, chase our little chipmunk