It only takes a split second to fall in love with someone you used to hate! The start of an office r...
Contrary to popular .. opinion, I actually really enjoyed this. Even if it seems frustrating. There's just a certain charm to the story that made me stay. Although I wish the assertive Daon from the start stayed till the end; I do understand his actions. Maybe I'm reading into it too deep, but despite him being a horrible person, in a sense I really do get it. He feels incredibly indebt to this asshole of a guy (Jaemin) after he's done everything for him, and fooling himself to like him for 10 years—so I don't get the comments when they say they hate him for that. It's frustrating, yes. But in a story narrative standpoint it makes sense. Nobody really told Sunghyeon to stay. He made that choice himself. Jaemin completely manipulated elements of his life to make him feel more indebt, cause he knows what kind of person Daon is. Junghyeon stayed, and he may be way too good for Daon, but that was his choice, and he was even told off and warned by Daon.
I love the characterization and their motives. Once you read the story it gets more clear, and obvious, and makes you kinda homicidal. I guess. Soohyun, especially, I feel bad for, though he is a little abusive in the modern day I love him. And Jaemin is a pretty good twist yandere. That's a rare way to write the trope, nice. Maybe I'm a major Daon defender, but considering his environment.. I don't know. I think maybe he should be less of a pushover, but if he's facing a guy like Jaemin in context it would make sense. I wish maybe he was in terms with his emotions a lot faster, but I can't really, exactly blame him.
I love Daon and Junghyeon; sorry if you don't, but they're really sweet. Cute dynamic, and I like the switch up of Daon pursuing after Junghyeon although it stops for a while, (though I wish there was more to give more sturdiness to their relationship). I love how Junghyeon legimately lectured Daon, a guy who was actually honest, blunt, but still considerate. It's a breath of fresh air from the other two. Daon, himself.. I just pity him. Through out the manwha; he goes through so much, too much. Having all these guys overwhelm him, with all their odd confessions and confusions about who he wants, I guess. I just sympathise, my boy wasn't given a break for a long time.
In general, a really good manwha to analyse. Hit me, I enjoyed this