I really enjoy this different dynamic—and honestly these two just seem like different spectrums of neurodivergence. They've got some hefty bagagge especially lil ol' Seunghyuk over there. I genuinely loved the progression and the irritatance this gave me though. I respect you, author-nim, for giving thought while writing your characters! And the plot! This manwha was really thoughtful and lovely in my opinion, even if some may not agree and find the mishaps .. annoying, I think how Seunghyuk was presented made sense and Woojin was understandable! (Valid, rather)
A 5 stars from me, just for the great concept execution:) enjoyed !

While this manwha has the greatest smut I've seen in a while...
I can't help but see this weird pattern of playboys/fuckboys who fall in love with vulnerable/pathetic men because of how cute they cry, how resistant they are to sex (which is .. odd )
Like all their past lovers are always consenting, playful/comfortable twinks who are open to getting pounded but you fell in love with the guy who doesn't want it? Tf ! Weird non con pattern!

I’m exposing myself here, it’s not so much the dubcon/coercion but the excitement of the chase. There’s a reason going after a straight guy, and bagging them, is seen as such a big deal. It’s a power thing. And it gives you a huge rush. And there’s something that makes you want to spoil tf out of someone that’s given you any kind of firsts. ^_^
Hey its uh, interesting at most