This is what I understood.
1) There are two ghost.
-Ghost 1: the student that died due to bullying
-Ghost 2: The bully that was in the army with MC
2) Both the Ghost possessed the bullied student's younger brother (poor kid)
3) MC exercised the 2nd Ghost.
4) The 1st Ghost still possessing the younger brother
What I don't understand is why is the 1st ghost trying to kill his own brother.

Actually it is possible the strongest ghost will take charge and the other one be dormant to the point it's like it never existed once one is removed the other will regain control.
The thing I don't understand is why kill his own brother? Did he thought that dying again in a new body would bring him peace?

So like Yoon Dam had explained on the bus about how a person can remember things the ghost was doing when their possessing someone. And he had used that dream example when explaining it to the brother who then said he has experienced dreams like that alot (which we now know probably was a foreshadowing of his brother taking him over months ago). So I think the brother realized how long things had been going on and couldn't cope since he didn't know why any of it was going on. Maybe even felt like he needed to follow his brother since it seems like his parents aren't around at all.

Ugh it rubs me the wrong way that the dragon treats him like a side chick until he find his 'mate'. What is his plan when he finds his mate, have MC as the mistress -___-ll
(I know MC is his mate, just say what ifs he wasn't.)

His plan is probably tossing him aside once the mate is found. I mean, he KNOWS for a fact there's the perfect partner and mate for the dragon who'll light up his world and be the color in his dreary, boring life. For now, he craves for the mate while he also has someone mildly interesting by his side. Pretty sure that the dragon believes that once the mate is found, no one else will be able to hold his interest. And yes he's a dragon with a very wacko moral code when compared to humans.
I had such a hard time figuring out which thought bubble belongs to whom. T_T
me throughout the entire series
It just felt especially bad this chapter, I read it 3 times before I kind of of what out what was happening.