The new Bang Aqua cover .... http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/2430789/ - what is hanging out of his pants???

Just curious, if you have seen this movie and what you thought.
I was really looking forward to it, by it failed to meet any of my expectations - perhaps I set the bar too high?

I am biased because it's one of my fav animes ever so...
I mean, the live action did what it could in the allowed time frame tbh. Surprisingly was able to thread the main events together and the effects are pretty ok. Main guy is cute.
So many stuff left out. Sometimes it felt kind of rushed... the ending is not really an ending... I would not watch again.
Still, WAY better than death note. That atrocity still makes me shiver...

There is a right way, and a wrong way to perform CPR - think I prefer the wrong way ... http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/2266457/

Okay - anyone else experiencing weather from hell? Today we get to warm up to -28C (-33C with the wind chill) and tonight it will go to -46C! Brutal! (and in 7 days it will be 0C!)

Well. our weather over the next few days will be colder than Antarctica, Mt. Everest AND Mars. LOL -20C is t-shirt weather compared to -46C - our low for tonight (if you throw a pot of boiling water into the air, it freezes instantly! But we have had our heat waves with +35 too - and heat rash - think I would rather be cold!

It's -33C and my furnace went out four hours ago *shiver* and they need to order a part which won't be here until late tomorrow! Can someone suggest something funny to make me laugh? I could really use some humour!

I found some funny ones recently, you can try starting at the back http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/45472/

Two weeks ago our city broke a 108 year old high temperature record, today, it snowed.
Anyone have a recommendation for something funny to read?

i'm glad it doesn't snow down here in florida, i would freeze to death.
Gintama had me turnt laughing
this short story had me crying laughing
kill la kill was hilarious too
"I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying" was such a funny manga and anime, it was hilarious
if you want some funny yaoi, i've got some here:
works by nekota yonezou are hilarious
douimu naranai was funny, as well
and ameiro paradox was hilarious.

It's from the author of Smells Like Green Spirit (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

The recent one would be http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/shinyuu_tte_soko_made_shinakucha_ikenai_no/
Have you read this? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/brother_shuffle/

i agree with gintama. the whole manga is a meme.
i do have a compilation of the funniest/hilarious BL that i came across to, you might want to check it.
Does anyone know why so many manga now have lines running through some of the pages (not talking about the weird censoring) so it looks like the pages have been folded up up again and again before scanning? The lines never used to be there.
its been like that for quite a while. it depends on the manga and pages though. doesnt really bother me anymore
It’s mangago not the scanners.