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silvananoir August 23, 2023 11:26 pm

I can't remember the name of the arc, but it's the one where the host is chubby and her husband is cheating on her with a lounge singer. It's not the greatest but for a webdrama they did a pretty good job and the actress hired to play Luxia did well.

It's called Cheating Men Must Die: Elegant Lady.

    silvananoir August 23, 2023 11:31 pm

    Whoops made a mistake the one I'm talking about is actually called Cinderella turns into cool girl! Exciting revenge | [Mission in Parallel].
    But the one that I previously recommended is also from the same series. Different actresses though to play Luxia. I personally like the one in Cinderalla much better.

silvananoir December 9, 2020 7:43 pm

I don't think this dad really understands what it means to take care of a child Yul's age who is very attached to his caregivers.

Yul barely knows him and yeah they've had fun but his caretakers were always there. The minute Yul realizes that Junie isn't there and isn't coming he's going to freak and the 'dad' has no idea how to handle that.

silvananoir's questions ( All 1 )

silvananoir July 28, 2016 2:49 pm

Does anyone know what I'm talking about. It wasn't serious but had a little comedy two it. The sons mom died and he had to go live with his older brother and father. The brother and father were both successful and gay. They realized that the boy was really cute and starting competing for him. It even had a funny ending where the moms picture fell over from shock.

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