I am not sure what to even say...what was this?!?! Why for months he been his marriage advisor even though he knows that he is his mate and he has a child from him and bro somehow didn't know AND didn't remember that he had sex with this guy and bit him which by the way was so weird why did he so much wanted to bite him and then propose to him?? And why is Kairi right away and had the child and never told him?? like whyyyyyyyy, I don't get it. AND THEN they had sex again because he was jealous of the child's father that he thought Kairi is still in love with, and then Kairi has sex with him because he still loves him but it's so weird!! I feel like I lost so many brain cells reading this!! oh and somehow I rated this 5 out of 5 before, what was I thinking ?? Did I slip down and hit my head?? the child was the redeeming quality of the story because he is so darn cute. I am happy they had a happy ending in a family but Kairi is the stupidest, somehow Haruumi is less terrible - still not great.
Also, I feel like the mangaka has a thing with kids, they might be a pedophile cause what the FUCK would a policeman and that child looking (that is 22 year old)?! Kairi kind of looks like a child as well like his expressions and features are childlike and then in the end there's this guy that I think he is in high school telling a child let's get married when you're older what do you mean bro??? What do you mean?! WHAT IS THIS GOD.
I was sooo close to dropping this, the rape scene was kind of unnecessary…I can understand a little where that came from, he wanted someone to love him like how he saw his mom love his father, and after she left the house Kyouya didn’t have anyone that showed him love. So he psychologically wanted to “seal” the marriage and to have someone by his side. That’s why he didn’t touch him first after that night. But still, the story didn’t need it, rape is literally never needed.
Besides that. The story is amazing, I loved as well that we saw first things from Hinata’s point of view, and then in later chapters got the thoughts Kyouya had during those times, and how much he wanted to make Hinata happy. The plot line that they are both “monsters” in their respective societies, but then they find an island (where is mother is btw) where there are so many creatures they knew about, and in a way find peace with themselves.
I’m so happy for the extra chapter of their domestic life, and it was so cute to see them with children while babysitting…BUT I WANTED THEM TO ADOPT A CHILD. GIVE ME A HAPPY FAMILY CHAPTER PLEASE.