It's kinda weird that some of their romantic blushing scenes happens when Erica is in doll form...

Thank god, finally!! I was almosting dropping this shit (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Why isn't Lucas the ML?? He is so fineee

I just started reading it, but I guess I'm too used to villain's and corrupted stories lol
After 5th lifes you never once thought about killing the guy first? I would probably try it... I would be like "well one if us gotta day" ( ̄∇ ̄")

Akira_H created a topic of Comic Party Wonder Love

OML The sister if a bitch!! Tbh ppl like that exist everywhere... my bf's friend was also like that in high school, she would go around saying how BL was so cool and amazing, but irl it was "kinda weird", because "art is ok, but real ppl feels wront, right? Hahah"
It makes me so mad omfl
Anyway, this manga is rlly sweet! I love that the mc wasn't the typical "I'm straight, but suddenly I'm gay for you" trope that most BL mangas love so much... That's rlly wholesome tbh

Akira_H created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

The romance by now is kinda meh since they already solved things and are all lovey dovey together... It's ok, but I miss some spice... my favorite now by far is Lucas!! I live his relationship with his aunt and uncle so much ┗( T﹏T )┛

Akira_H created a topic of I'll Protect You, Daddy!

There's so much going on in this episode...
It's becoming too much for me tbh... I get it, but it's kinda silly that they all look at a 10yo and see her as a enemy. I know the guy is angry due to his son being expeled from the academy, but to the point to use a soul piercing dagger to kill a child??? It's kinda random for me, the author could show more of his rage so we all could understand where it came from, not just say "oh he spent a lot of money on the academy, how dare you?"
I would prefer to see a little bit of his pov as how he felt humiliated by it and judged by all the nobles, his wife was angry and insufferable and they were goinf bankrupt. Idk, I just assumed that it could'd happened, but then if the author showed smt like that I could understand why this guy was so mad to the point of wanting to destroy a child's soul...

The Mr. Rabbit pedant is also getting silly... Idk, probably because I personally didn't like the name and his personality. His speech bubble is like a popup from a game and the concept is so random?? She is inside a novel, not a game, so why? He could speak in an ancient language that she didn't understand or something more magical, not just that random tech speech bubble

And dad and the emperor saving her, running from the collapsing building, emperor sacrifices himself for them, emperor almost dying, dad and emperor talking and making peace with each other... Too much for just one episode. They "hated" each other for so much that I'm waiting for a heartfelt intimist conversation. I would prefer if the emperor got hurt and went into a coma and dad would be devastaded wondering why the emperor saved him this time, then when the emperor waked up they could've a conversation and talk about everythint slowly. It would be so much better...

I see many ppl hating this, but Idk why??
The ML isn't all that bad on that timeline, he was terrible on the original timeline, but he is not evil on that, so Idk why all the hate
The ogML was a psycho murderer, but the ML here is just a lonely guy, a lil bit childish, but not that evil as ppl here like to say
You all read all those isekais with tyrants and cold murderer dukes and are ok with that, but then you come here to read and hate the ML? He never raped or killed anyone! Is he a kidnapper? Yes, but he also is a lonely guy that wants to be free, tbh I find him quite charming if compared to the cliche...

And some ppl are complaining about it being homophobic, tbh I'm not sure if I would call it that, I think it just lacks some awareness... It's a good story, but the BL part was rlly unecessary since it doesn't rlly affects the actual tl. I would prefer if at least one of the characters were addressed as LGBT at least. I mean they could at least say that the second ml was bissexual!! Or tbh I would love if the ML was actually trans... But anyway, it still is a fine read, just dont expect much of the lgbt part

When will them settle this thing?? It's too frustrating to watch how dumb they are...
"Go find the mad woman that kidnapped Marie"... right...

Akira_H created a topic of Okan (Moriyama Tsuru)

Rereading this one and it's as good as I remember

I feel that Lucas is the ONLY ONE with a brain
Why isn't he the ML? He is sweet and the ONLY PERSON that is "oh maybe she really was the cat"

Poor Marie, they all so fucking dumb
I'm rlly mad at the emperor right now, HOW CAN HE BE SO STUPID? EXCUSE ME BUT I DON'T WANT A BRAINLESS ML

Akira_H created a topic of High Society

WTH Ezra looks adorable!! Not adorable like cute and small, but like a decent gentle person wth
I was expecting a Cesare with another hair color Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
I like Ezra already... Is Cesare the ml for real? Because he is an interesting character, but a terrible ml

Girl, why???
I was expecting a red flag, but not that it would be this red!!!
I know it was a yandere story, but I though that at least the girl would be a little psycho so they could be a twisted psycho couple, but she is just a normal girl and it's just kinda sad that she thinks it's her fault that he's fucked up and killed her before...

I know she looks kinda like the same, but I would be suspecious and doubt it anyway... She is a divine beast, but I think there's no other beings that ever turned into humans, so it would be rlly hard to believe
Nevertheless I still feel frustraded!! I tho Lucas would believe her!! Lucas, bby, why???

Tbh if ppl worshiped me like they do to the ogfl I would be scared and a little disgusted... I mean imagine walking into a room and see them hanging hundres of portraits of you, tgats scary

Akira_H created a topic of Celeb Lady

I need this discussion to be over with adap, the older brother and the blond girl are too annoying, when will it be over? It's an entire chapter of just explaining everything that I already know and the older brother quiet and dumb wth

Lucas is so sweet and I'm so sure he'll be the one to notice she is Marie
I' already suffering from the second ml syndrome send help

Akira_H created a topic of I'll Protect You, Daddy!

It's funny how the mc is just do perfect and op lol it's so silly how everything works out so easily, like everyone just accepting a 7yo girl making medicine, if I ever did that when I was a kid and gave the potion to my family they either would laugh it off or tell me to stop playing around and let the adults work
Or how the mc is naturally gifted in magic and even as a 7yo can change formulas or do an advanced magic, I know she reicarnated so she technically isn't rlly 7, but she acts like a child, so I'm considering that she is a 7yo that is a lil bit more mature couse she is a kid that she remembers her past life, not that she still feels as the same person as the one from the past
Anyway, the comic is fun to read, no hate, I'm hust pointing out some stuff, but I like it anyway

Akira_H created a topic of We're not Dating!!

It's cute, but I hope there're just 3 main couples... It's like 10 chapters of one couple, then 10 more of another... I like them all, but since they don't interact with each other I miss the others while reading

Everyone is so embarassed (me as well), but it's so funny to see how he doesn't care about others LOL I also feel the second hand embarassment, but Idk it kinda adds to the character for me
He is a tyrant, he talks to a doll in front of everyone... guys, he totally doesn't give a fuck, it would be silly if he got shy while talking to thin air, the guy here is crazy alredy

The plot is so simpleminded and silly, but it's entertaining anyway lol
I like the knight, he is so sweet! I prefer him over the ML, the knight has way more personality... How can a duke with a madness curse be so basic?