BL for life <3
I picked up this comic book because the picture was beautiful.
at first kinda serious, so I wondered and I'm glad it had a happy ending.
Lovers in the previous life??!! 2 people who have been repeated death, reincarnation stories of being trapped in. but stories from previous lives don't come up in detail. It's a story about trying to live against the fate of dying, and the feeling that they love their partner and are unbearable even though they are afraid of fate.
There are also plenty of actual scenes, but that isn't the main story. It was a work that made me read the story thoroughly.
超ド級の運命に導かれて身体を重ねる二人だが、翌朝、彼は祝を覚えていないと言い放ち!?!? 死が二人を分かつまで、回帰する恋の物語。
転生を繰り返している話ですが、前世の話は詳しく出て来るわけではなく、あくまでも現代ものです。死んでしまう運命に逆らって生きようとするお話で、運命を恐れながらも相手のことが好きでたまらないという感じが伝わりました。本番シーンもしっかりありますが、そちらがメインの話ではないです、しっかりとお話を読ませてくれる作品でした☆ 赤いシラフ先生有難う。
way too fcking picky
隊長は、何があっても迎えに行くと約束したんです。 だけど隊長はそれができなかった。現実を辛く忘れてしまっていた。背を向けられても追わなかった。
それが分かったシーンで、殿下の気持ちも隊長の気持ちも分かって、前世と現世が繋がって俺の胸がぎゅっと、泣けるよなぁ。お互い思い合ってるのにお互いのためを思って離れて、来世でようやく再会できたのに前世の記憶のせいでなかなか前に進めない2人があまりに尊すぎて涙で画面もぼやけて見えなかった。 前作同様、作画が本当に美しくて絵でも楽しめます、先生有難う。
I like to read reincarnation and I'm a big fan of the author of the 作品, so I thought of picking up this comic book and, Love it! (I'm not so great with English translation but)
Certainly, was there a bereavement or a terrible breakup in a previous life?
if His Highness said in a previous life that the future was enough,
That was a lie. Even if I turned my back on you, I realized it was a lie.
Come pick me up again. the feeling that they wanted to be together forever, and the captain promised, “I'll pick you up no matter what happens, this world, His Highness had forgotten many things, but he only remembered his promises.
It was a scene where I understood both the feelings of his highness and the captain's and previous life were connected to present life, and it made me tear up.
Even though they cared for each other, they left thinking for each other, and even though they were finally able to reunite in the next life, the two couldn't move forward easily due to memories from their previous lives being so precious that I couldn't see the screen with tears.
*Like all 野白先生のprevious work, the drawing is always, beautiful and I enjoyed the pictures.
I have all the volumes 1,2,3 of “Kamisama nanka shinjinai bokura no eden~”
Takai君 had a childish vibe in 上↑and下↓volumes, in volume 3, he looked so cool and mature! Nishio君 was originally beautiful, he had such a bewitched amazing sex appeal! when I look at Takai 君 and Nishio 君 my heart warms up! Vol4 sold out in 3 days, but I was lucky to get one. I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen in the future after finally coming out to the parents. Now, I really can’t wait for volume 5
Hopefully soon, someone will translate volume 3 & 4 omega verse.
一番好きな君と、“同じ言葉”で話したい、期待して信じてくれた人がいたから、もう一度演技に向き合えた。俳優の藤永は「自分だけの演技を頑張りたい」と決意を新たにし、漫画原作の舞台化作品のオーディションを受けることに。しかし、先天性難聴のケイトは観劇することに不安を感じ、藤永の魅力が多くの人に見つかっていく中で、焦りと寂しさを募らせていく。目に見えないものまで君のこころとからだ、全部ほしい。こんな気持ち、伝えてもいいの? 離れたくない想いが拍車をかけて、手話さえ見えない至近距離で見つめ合う。これは、そんなもどかしい恋の物語。 I thought it was just volume 1,[1巻に続いて2巻も最高だった] got a notification for volume 2 manga-comic will be out in June 2024, couldn’t wait to get it hands on. Following Vol1, Vol2 was great!! I recommend it. Perhaps because the conflict came through so much, and it tightens my heart. Every scene makes use of the amazing drawing power、絵がめっちゃスゴイ and I red page by page carefully. I'm looking forward to the volume 3. Hopes someone translate Vol.2 this awesome story!
英語でのレビューはちょっと緊張する。 英語は苦手だ。だけど2人の関係、ストーリ-はめっちゃ可愛く良かったぜ。(not great English translation but)
I purchased the 1st book and I was thrilled by the ridiculous number of stars for the first volume of 先生の作品 and then,
First of all, it's the most amazing work through the upper and lower volumes!!
I was so happy to see them again.
When it comes to sequels, the sweetness level often breaks through, but that's not the case when it comes to everything, and they're still as strong and honest as ever, and that's so めっちゃ可愛い!
The beautiful, stable design and well-paced storyline are all awesome work.
I felt that the “I Kiss Because I'm an Idiot” scene by Ryo clearly shows the relationship between the two main characters.
If anything, it's good to be good at socializing, but when the relationship between the two seems to get stuck, it's all words that break it down.
But everything that's cute isn't straightforward, but Ryō, who has too much inclusiveness, takes it in its entirety and breaks through the wall in front of.
Being kissed outdoors makes me impatient at first, but I don't really care about the eyes around me. and it was good for me personally that they immediately opened up about being okay.
I really, この2人めっちゃ可愛いよなぁ~ I'm glad that, it released 2 books at the same time, the content is too satisfying, and I have nothing but gratitude...!!
If you like the first Fake Fact Lips, please definitely read the sequel! and I'd like to see the two get married and get older??? (笑)
I bought a comic, attracted to the 絵が綺麗ステキ、ストーリが最高、、この二人の話、もっともっとみたいです… I want to see more and more, Pls, don’t fold the story just a one 1巻, wishing there’s vol 2!!! どうか2人の幸せを願う
Picture is very soft, very touching story. So moved at the end it made me in to tears. It would be a shame to complete it in to just a one book, Love to see/read the story of extra edition part-2 その先未来 wishes!! Recommend it 野白ぐり先生のanother 作品: 金銀ささめくひみつは夜、、ぜひ
その日から屋上は二人だけの秘密の場所になった! Rooftop secret place!
Akiraの元友達のエピソードはムカつくなぁ〜〜1人の友達だったんだろが〜こいつ何様〜小さな一言に傷ついたAkira、その傷が元で自分をweakened, sensitivity, no vulnerable、誰からも必要とされて無いかと感じる孤独感。ノンケとゲイの恋という、使い古された題材をここまで愛の物語…
セッX・エロイ描写の無いBL大好き 彼らの関係が羨ましく素敵でした
*この2人の将来 Sequel/Continues、その先へと進んで行くストーリがあったらなぁ〜
眼鏡、高身長、クールビューティな攻めの田中鷹司。 バレー部出身のその体格と顔、好きな人を見つめる切羽詰まった眼差しは、良い男画面からこれでもかと…。何度読んでもまた繰り返し見つめたくなる。飄々としながらも、きちんと愛を伝えてくれるけいしくんが本当に素敵だし、戸惑いながらも観念して受け入れていく十条さんも素敵!
シャープな絵柄の中に醸される、魅力的な男たちの恋。何度読んでも心地良い中年オッサン恋の物語…。な~んちゃって、めっちゃ、いじらしく可愛い、続きがあったら読みたいです♪ The picture is the best.
Tanaka kun is a cool, beautiful, aggressive person, His desperate gaze staring at someone he likes The drawings of each character, the different physique, the shape of the body underneath the shirt are also very..(キュン)
he/him - girlypop
i just wanna read :v
続きが読みてくコミックで読み終わりました。作者様の別作品が素晴らし (Another excellent story by Yamada・Nonono sensei) 絵が美しいのはもちろん、話の中に没入させるのが本当に上手い方だなと思います。他作品もそうですが、読み終わった時まるで映画を1本見終わったような充足感がありました。 (as reading, feels like a watching animation)
最後は泣けたな~。 二人に幸せを。
*今回は二人の出会いから心が通い合うまでが描かれていました、その先の未来へ向けて、二人がより深く理解し合っていく姿や、お互いの異なる背景をもっと掘り下げて見てみたいと感じます。 続巻を強く希望したい!!
hi im flower! im a dick redrawer
check my list "MAHWAS I UNCENSORED" to see my dick redraws