隊長は、何があっても迎えに行くと約束したんです。 だけど隊長はそれができなかった。現実を辛く忘れてしまっていた。背を向けられても追わなかった。
それが分かったシーンで、殿下の気持ちも隊長の気持ちも分かって、前世と現世が繋がって俺の胸がぎゅっと、泣けるよなぁ。お互い思い合ってるのにお互いのためを思って離れて、来世でようやく再会できたのに前世の記憶のせいでなかなか前に進めない2人があまりに尊すぎて涙で画面もぼやけて見えなかった。 前作同様、作画が本当に美しくて絵でも楽しめます、先生有難う。
I like to read reincarnation and I'm a big fan of the author of the 作品, so I thought of picking up this comic book and, Love it! (I'm not so great with English translation but)
Certainly, was there a bereavement or a terrible breakup in a previous life?
if His Highness said in a previous life that the future was enough,
That was a lie. Even if I turned my back on you, I realized it was a lie.
Come pick me up again. the feeling that they wanted to be together forever, and the captain promised, “I'll pick you up no matter what happens, this world, His Highness had forgotten many things, but he only remembered his promises.
It was a scene where I understood both the feelings of his highness and the captain's and previous life were connected to present life, and it made me tear up.
Even though they cared for each other, they left thinking for each other, and even though they were finally able to reunite in the next life, the two couldn't move forward easily due to memories from their previous lives being so precious that I couldn't see the screen with tears.
*Like all 野白先生のprevious work, the drawing is always, beautiful and I enjoyed the pictures.
I picked up this comic book because the picture was beautiful.
at first kinda serious, so I wondered and I'm glad it had a happy ending.
Lovers in the previous life??!! 2 people who have been repeated death, reincarnation stories of being trapped in. but stories from previous lives don't come up in detail. It's a story about trying to live against the fate of dying, and the feeling that they love their partner and are unbearable even though they are afraid of fate.
There are also plenty of actual scenes, but that isn't the main story. It was a work that made me read the story thoroughly.
超ド級の運命に導かれて身体を重ねる二人だが、翌朝、彼は祝を覚えていないと言い放ち!?!? 死が二人を分かつまで、回帰する恋の物語。
転生を繰り返している話ですが、前世の話は詳しく出て来るわけではなく、あくまでも現代ものです。死んでしまう運命に逆らって生きようとするお話で、運命を恐れながらも相手のことが好きでたまらないという感じが伝わりました。本番シーンもしっかりありますが、そちらがメインの話ではないです、しっかりとお話を読ませてくれる作品でした☆ 赤いシラフ先生有難う。