I'm not transgender, but I feel so much empathy for the MC. The awareness of being different, the pain of feeling alone, the guilt of lying about your true self, hoping that you'll wake up one day fixed or normal. I have had these same thoughts for my own circumstance and know the despair of feeling broken.
Though the comments have arguments about the MC's true gender, I think we can at least all agree that the MC's pain is real. It doesn't matter what the real truth is, just what is true for the MC. The manga doesn't discuss the social politics of gender, and I think that's to emphasis that this is the MC's personal story. Whatever side your beliefs are on, this manga invites you to first understand the MC as a person.

I noticed that the girl's black choker is missing in several frames. It distracted me a bit. Just like how she's trying to distract to YuYang. ( ̄∇ ̄")
I think she has a crush on YuYang and is his friend despite knowing she has no chance with him. This story has a lot of characters with one-sided feelings. It make me a sad, so I really want the main couple to get together and be happy. LiHuan seems to be looking for answers, so hopefully the misunderstanding will clear up soon!

Kyungsuk getting triggered by "friend", lolol. I was worried that he wouldn't be able to ask about the movies, but he pulled through!! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ FIGHTING!

His friendzoned PSTD, lolol. He looks like a playboy (Mirae's first impression), but is so new to having a crush that it's adorable. He has this panicked expression of "why am I like this", hahaha.
Ugh, nobody likes Sooah. There are hints that her behavior has a backstory, but trauma doesn't excuse underhanded bullshit.

I see a lot of people don't like Siwon and consider him annoying, but I don't think he's being unreasonable for his position.
In the span of less than a year...he shares psychic dreams with a classmate, subconsciously develops gay desires, finds out the classmate is his childhood friend, freaks out over his gay desires, gets the cold shoulder from gay-for-him childhood friend, learns to accept his gay desires, gets molested by his brainwashed best friend, and now gets outed as a gay.
Siwon acknowledges that ideally, he shouldn't care about the opinion of others as long as he truly loves Jinha. But that's ideally, and Korea is infamous for being LGBT unfriendly. The suicide rate for Korea is crazy. It's always in the top ten of the whole world--the WHOLE WORLD--and it's a highly developed and advanced country. There's incredible social pressure to fit in society. Being gay in Korea would get Siwon disowned, unemployable, bullied, and threatened. Cyber bullying in Korea has even led to people either killing themselves or leaving the country. There was a Korean-American kpop star who was forced to leave the country just for posting a social media comment that Korea "sucks" and he misses home. It was a comment back from his trainee days, so it makes sense that he was homesick, but cyber bullying escalated to the point that there was an online petition for him to commit suicide. The petition had over 3,000 signatures.
Sorry, I got too passionate there. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) But really, this is a country where your reputation can be life or death.
As for Siwon being unable to trust or understand Jinha. We, as readers, know what Jinha is going through, but Jinha has literally told Siwon nothing. And after all the secrets Jinha had kept from Siwon up until now, Siwon has a right to feel uncertain. Being in love doesn't mean automatic trust, it means that there needs to be honesty. Jinha tried to solve too many things on his own, leaving Siwon in the dark. Jinha needs to treat Siwon like an equal instead of an ideal to be protected. Also, Jinha yells at Siwon too much. He keeps getting mad that Siwon won't just do as he tells him to, and keeps accusing him of being unfaithful. That's extremely unhealthy, especially when Siwon is trying to mentally convince himself to trust Jinha.
None of these things would be problem if these stupid boys just talked to each other like level-headed adults. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
And Lu Xuan Run should go fuck off. Whatever trauma he went through doesn't give him the right to be such an asshole. Trauma is not a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.

No the jist is Siwon is acting selfish and is thinking only about himself, and how being regarded as gay by society will apparently destroy his life. He has made no consideration to how Kang is feeling at all.
Also, when it comes to pity points all Siwon has had to deal with was his dad telling him not to draw manga as a kid, and him internalised homophobia. Kang spent hus childhood being abused by his mother to the extent he always had to cover the injuries with a face mask and long sleeves/trousers, then he sees his mother's body after she commits suicide, and is forced to live in a foreign country with an abusive father and dad's wife. Leaving behind the one person who he thought was a friend to him, then he returns to Korea in order to try and meet up with that old friend, meets him and the old friend doesn't even recognise him instead Kang over hears homophobic talk, then Siwon who he wants to chat to after all these years lunges at him. Apparently Siwon being drunk means he has complete memory loss, and after a stint of military service Siwon thinks it's appropriate to treat Kang like shit. Kang eventually gets through to Siwon that he is the same kid he knew from when they were children, then wants to get together with him thinking he was on the same page due to that experience in the forest trip. Then we have chapter after chapter of Siwon who is a grown man (despite being drawn to look like a kid) acting like a 9 year old and hurting people.

But being gay really COULD destroy his life, I'm pointing that out. Jinha had a much longer time to accept his homosexuality compared to Siwon, and probably better prepared to deal with the repercussions. Siwon just recently accepted it, and we know how bad he is at planning things. The repercussions weren't something he was mentally prepared for, so he's emotionally lashing out. I also think that is a selfish way to act, but even he understands that he's being stupid. In Chapter 58, he calls himself "the worst" for saying awful things to Jinha. I hate it when he lashes out like that with his emotions and doesn't fix things immediately, it really is selfish. But the situations are rarely in his favor. He just got secrets nudes of himself shoved into his face and got called unfaithful. Anyone would get upset about that. From his talk with his friend, he acknowledges that his resolve is really weak, which means he wants to better than that at least.
I'm not really giving Siwon pity points, I'm just pointing out that he isn't being unreasonable. Jinha really had a tough life, it's super sad. (ㅠ_ㅠ)
And then having such a confusing experience as his childhood friend reunion...that's completely Siwon's fault for being a terrible drunk. Still, Jinha never told Siwon what happened straight out and leaves him hanging for way too many chapters. Neither of these boys are good at communication. I want to knock their heads together. ( ̄∇ ̄╬)
And I want to point out that Jinha also treated Siwon like shit. Siwon originally didn't have an opinion about Jinha until they shared the first psychic dream. Then he was all wtf, lol. With his poor self-esteem, Siwon was naturally jealous of Jinha, but didn't start being an asshole to Jinha until Jinha kept being elusive. Siwon wasn't smart in the way he reacts to Jinha, but Jinha was always like "I know something you don't know" to him. Super frustrating.

I think your right, Korea is a very judgemental place and yes, these things can ruin your reputation and potentially your whole lifes career. But this isn’t the problem, the problem is that siwon is not listening. I agree, it’s unhealthy for a relationship with one side always yelling orders. But this is because siwon doesn’t get it, and he thinks he’s right when we all know he is wrong. Time after time and after time again he makes stupid decisions where it’s clear that he wouldn’t be doing that. He is so stupid that even after warned buy his boyfriend he still goes out with the other guy and gets himself, especially Jinha, hurt in the process. Siwon acts selfish and blames jinha for basically everything and it’s clearly his own fault, everything could of been avoided if he would just stop thinking about himself and actually listened to jinha. It’s been a long trip to get to the point we are now, you’d think siwon would already trust jinha, he’s already declared his feelings and jinha obviously proved his ever dying love for him! I’m not saying because of that he has to be in love with him, but I’m saying he should at least trust him if anything. the other guy (who can go fuck himself) is a terrible person and should stay out of it, but he’s not really creating the problems. Siwon and jinha are both in an unstable and unhealthy relationship, I doubt things would be fixed soon and in real life, I’d doubt they’d even stay together (or get back together) for long.

Siwon definitely needs to stop making reckless choices, I agree. Enough things have happened between them that he should try to understand Jinha's side more instead assuming that Jinha is just being unreasonably jealous. He should have read the atmosphere and known something was off...but then there was also no proof and Siwon is so stupidly optimistic about people that he needs things to be told to him point blank.
Jinha actually never warned Siwon about staying away from the Chinese transfer student. Siwon knows about Lu Xuan Run, but he doesn't know that the transfer student is the same guy. Remember, Mr. Cockblock is using a fake name and threatened Jinha into not saying anything to Siwon. So all Siwon knew was that Jinha didn't want him to hang out with a potential friend to point of beating the nice guy up. The three of them hang out together several times even. That's a lot of mixed signals. The psychic dream when Jinha said that he had his reasons and that Siwon should stay away from Mr. Cockblock....it turned out that it was the Chinese guy in disguise the whole time. So Siwon never even got that as a heads up.
I dislike it when characters like Siwon are indecisive and have no sense of danger. They are so frustrating to read about. I really want to be on Jinha's side because he's trying to so hard to protect Siwon without Siwon appreciating it, but Jinha has been really stupid about it too. I agree that this isn't a relationship that would work in real life. This story has been a headache for all of us, yet here we still are... ( ̄∇ ̄")

I'm not to sure how Jinha has "treated Siwon" like shit though? And as we see from the flashbacks, Siwon is not a reliable narrator at all as it was he who initiated kissing Jinha at that forest uni trip (then apparently used the trope of alcohol induced memory loss to try and make out he was not responsible and it's all Kang's fault... ). From the start it seems as though Jinha even as a kid was always looking out for Siwon, yet Siwon was reactive, rude and only thinking of himself which seems to have carried on through to adulthood. The naive/'omg i'm gay what will my school think" doesn't really cut it when the character is in their twenties and in this case is only thinking of themselves and putting all the "blame" of being gay and it's apparent repercussions in Korean society onto their partner, without thinking of how their cruelty will affect them or this stigma about being lgbt... because it's all about Siwon and his crying, childish face which the author just must like drawing at this stage.

While Siwon was trying to figure out what happened while he drunk, he kept bothering Jinha for more clues. During that time, Jinha's way of talking to Siwon was abrasive and antisocial. He honestly doesn't want to get along with Siwon after what happened and was being purposefully difficult. That's the time I was referencing. It was short, but it was the initial impression Siwon got (not counting the drunk encounter *cough*).
I agree that the "omg I was so drunk that I was not myself" trope is tiring, and I wonder why the hell Siwon still even drinks after knowing how problematic he is when drunk;; (Reason why the nudes exist.) But still, it's not like blackout drunks purposely decide to forget things. If Siwon knew that the drunk kiss was 100% his fault from the start, he wouldn't have spend so much time believing that Jinha was the one who started it. But he only had pieces of his memory to work from and Jinha wasn't correcting him either. I really feel for Jinha, it hurts to be forgotten by his precious childhood friend and also to get a kiss stolen (drunk kisses are super gross). He completely has the right to be pissed, but I wish he'd been pissed AND honest. Save so much drama. ( ̄∇ ̄╬)
And I don't think age matters when dealing with gay epiphanies. The shock value is still the same even for someone in their 20s, but no doubt Siwon is immature. He doesn't know how to process or handle things internally and keeps busting out with his emotions. If and when he grows a backbone and solid resolve, he really needs to apologize to Jinha for being so insensitive. Grovel, maybe. As much as Jinha was trying to one-sidedly keep secrets from Siwon, Siwon was one-sidedly thinking about he would suffer from exposure. Really an unhealthy relationship. My rating of the story is going to be based on how this mess concludes, because if the author really finishes it with Siwon as a "beautiful crybaby who can do no wrong", I'm so done. I'll reread Wolf in the House.

I guess Jinha like any normal person can't believe Siwon when he apparently claims to forget EVERYTHING, and does this repeatedly. If this was real life then you would be getting checked for a brain tumour rather than lashing out at Jinha who is confused as to why he was kissed then basically bullied by the same person for months afterwords. Siwon is in his mid twenties by now, the same age I assume as the character of Mikheil ilyich "Misha" from "Momentum" which is the next comic after Wolf in the House, but you can even compare the emotional development and maturity to Siwon's peers to understand just what a selfish man child he is.

Yeah, which is why I only wish Jinha was honest about the truth. It would have cleared up so much so quickly, but he was really hurt and reacted emotionally as anyone else would to do someone like Siwon. Also agree on the point that even the other characters have maturely developed more than Siwon. The orange-haired friend changed a lot for example. Siwon needs to buckle up and be more responsible, less carefree. I don't think he's being unreasonable with the fear and the poor choices he's made in this arc, but he should now or soon changed his naive behavior and immature habit of valuing of his personal problems over Jinha's. He's doing nobody favors. (I love the characters of Park Ji-Yeon's works. They have so depth that it makes my heart ache.)

Yeah, which is why I only wish Jinha was honest about the truth. It would have cleared up so much so quickly, but he was really hurt and reacted emotionally as anyone else would to do someone like Siwon. Also agree on the point that even the other characters have maturely developed more than Siwon. The orange-haired friend changed a lot for example. Siwon needs to buckle up and be more responsible, less carefree. I don't think he's being unreasonable with the fear and the poor choices he's made in this arc, but he should now or soon changed his naive behavior and immature habit of valuing of his personal problems over Jinha's. He's doing nobody favors. (I love the characters of Park Ji-Yeon's works. They have so depth that it makes my heart ache.)

Felt the want to make a list, so I did!
Venus Akira > 明 - akira (bright)
Earth Midori > 緑 - midori (green)
Earth Saku > 朔 - saku (new moon, first day of the month)
Mars Natsuhi > 夏 - natsu (summer), 日 - hi (day)
Jupiter Yuudai > 雄 - yuu (manly), 大 - dai (big)
Saturn Tamaki > 環 - tamaki (circle)
Uranus Hyouka > 玲 - hyou (sound of jewels), 花 - ka (flower)
Neptune Aoi > 碧 - aoi (blue)
Pluto Hyouya > 氷 - hyou (ice), 夜 - ya (night)
Bonus, the royal first prince:
Sol Hikaru > 光 - hikaru (light)
It's Seiji's quote!!! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))