Guys, unpopular opinion here:
1-How dare Dojin keep helping the very person who contribute to Hyseung’s pain? How does this show his loyalty and love for Hyesung? Hyesung was very clear that he didn’t want to do anything with her.
2-Dojin keeps on giving hints to Byul about Hyesung and how he acted with Byul when he was born. Like wtf! That’s going to hurt Byul! When he finds out, because I’m sure Byul will, he will blame and throw it at Hyseung’s face how he has no right to judge his grandma since he too left his child behind. An issue unneeded had Dojin kept his distance from the woman that Hyesung doesn’t want in his life and by keeping his mouth shut about how Hyesung treated Byul as a baby.
3-I thought if you were an alpha automatic common sense would happen? Why make him an alpha is he’s stupid?! Like I feel that Byul is stupider than Hyesung? Why does the author think being stupid is cute? Is that why he’s a bottom?
4- how can Byul trust that guy who was talking smack and knows that it’s illegal for underage kids go to a club? Like wtf?!
5-Siwoo is hot and I can’t wait for his story.
it's... everything i dislike about the main story :(( sorry some (female) authors just loves to write (or to project) an annoying bottom character who still manage to get a cool top character to fall heads over heels for them. it's very, eeecckkk, yeah. but a lot of girls eat this shit up so there will always be a market for this. i just want the girls who like to read this to be aware that irl there wont always be a knight in shinning amour to come save you, like you yourself as a woman should wise tf up.
Why so short?!!!! I need more