why were the students at an ART SCHOOL weirded out by it. maybe its my perception of western art schools (cuz weirder pieces have been created and spoken about like legitimate works to critique and analyze instead of just reacting with “wtf”) but like they should all know that theres nothing to be ashamed of if you’re the nude model of a painting. they should be used to nude paintings and analyzing it from technical point of view as well as interpreting its meaning for themselves. also its just rude in general to bombard her with these comments about her body. thats harassment.

the dad especially in the last chapter…LIKE CAN U PLZ CALM DOWN ENOUGH to rly observe your own son and how he reacted to that hand and realize that he might not be getting the best of treatment by your psychotic, hellspawn of a wife??? he literally came here to thank you genuinely and give an apology(which he rly shouldt have) for wasting your time?!?!
and u react LIKE THIS??!?? u just tell him “oh, just so you know, i was kinda worried for ur health a bit but then i remembered i hate your mother, and by proxy you, so im gonna make richar my heir cuz fck u both. no hard feelings btw. oh wait, who am i kidding, you’re her spawn, u have no feelings. btw, are u in cahoots with her on the murders that i have purposely hid from everyone??”

the crazy thing is that maybe the dad wouldnt have had to worry about ettie scheming with the mom if he had just put his foot down at the moment of his birth, and kept the child far far away from her influence and paid special attention to his education and interactions with others so that they could work together to upsurp the mom’s power. ettiene would be unaffected by her cuz he’s an omega like her. maybe fake the baby ettie’s death or “assassination” and then have him trained and taught in secret somewhere else to take the throne. idk.
but noooo (i get that after that traumatic experience with the mom, he wanted no involvement with her or things associated, but still. what could have been…)

like yea his past abuse shouldnt have happened and probably affected him mentally and caused him to turn to his obsession that drives his actions now by an unhealthy amount BUT if he doesn’t start treat my babygorl ossan right i might still riot cuz he can’t be doing this to my beautiful, pure, gentlemanly Sayo. he’s gon give my old boi a heart attack. im literally mirei, like “Sayo, honey, let that asshole chase after death if he wants too, u deserve better than him.”

did that uncle have to be so harsh to kou….like d*mn, bro is real protective OHkay…
and i dont think its cuz he thinks kou is too much older cuz we know that boys were drafted young back then (16-18) so he’s around shirou’s age, he just acts older cuz he time traveled from a different era that grandpas of shirou’s time grew up in. also from my understanding, he doesn’t know about the timetraveling thing(?) but even if he didnt, he does seem like he catches on pretty quickly.
i think hes just real protective of his nephew.
And I’M real protective of KOU so u better CALM DOWN uncle!!!
also like everyone else, i feel like there were several things i missed cuz things started speeding up and we were jumping from one angsty scene to the next….but i was reading hare to mononoke before this and that also had the same pacing so maybe thats just the author’s style or somethin?
miss author nim really went back into the drafts, the WIPs, and said, “hmmm…which one should i work on to send to the publishers next, which one is my next bestseller, mmm…AH!” *clicks on file containing plans for a possible continuation of her three chapter hellspawn she wrote for the “fucked up” themed anthology a while back* “THIS is it! This is my moneymaker! this is my ticket to stardom!”
….i try to root for artists to make their bank cuz its tough out there for them to…but out of all your options…did u reeeeally have to take that one?
i will say however….i am really curious to see where the story ends up. im like, skimming past the porn and trying to pick up the pieces of plot. how reliable is wooyeon’s memory of the past? his brother woojin is seen to be very manipulative but how far does it go in the past? its not visually confirmed that the rumors and his lack of parental love were all because of woojin. regarding the parents, maybe they’re just bad parents who favor one child, or there is a misunderstanding that was never cleared up between the two parties and now they just think their eldest is an unruly, angry child that they dont know what to do with(still bad parenting tho) and wooyeon thinks his parents stopped loving him since the moment woojin stepped into his life.
as for woojin’s character, what are his motives?? whats his story?? even if u dont get along with your stepbrother well, no one just jumps to, “oh I KNOW how to make him stop being annoying, hypnotize him to SUCK MY DICK!!! that’ll teach him!!” liek NO, why would u do that it makes no sense unless u wanted to fuck him in the first place. which brings us to: whyy??? when did u have this desire?? when did u have this attraction? why are u in denial about it? why do u love ruining things for your brother??when did this sadist desire start? when did the manipulating start?
my other thing is: according to experts/scientists—contrary to myths, hypnotism cannot make you do what you don't want to do. if u rly dont want to do something during a session, u wont do it. so….
im wondering if the author decided to ignore that for convenience or something, cuz wooyeon looks really in love with his sunbae(im rooting for them even tho i have a feeling it wont work out!°(>_<)°) and he just socked woojin in the face outside “playtime” …when he was masturbating earlier he replaced junghwi’s face with woojin, but as i’ve said before, thats not how hypnotism works, it doesnt make u fall in love. so idk.
that's right. not only is this manhwa a literal wet floormop, the hypnosis incorporation is also incorrect. they're really ruining the image of BL.