parelyx created a topic of Takara no Biidoro

That ending... was adorable but so empty. WHY DID IT END LIKE THAT?! They should've had more moments wtf????? THEY SHOULD HAVE MORE STORIES OMG. THEY'RE SO FUCKING ADORABLE BUT IT JUST ENDS LIKE THAT? I'M GOING TO FUMBLE

My heart hurts ): the way he went from a bubbly cutie to lack of confidence because of kana and his friends. Damn, I feel like Kana did all that because he didn't want anyone to steal Noha from him (he's definitely possessive). Like the cranes, the blond dude definitely stole it from Kana. I hope he showers Noha so many love and compliments cause he needs to get that confidence back!! ಥ_ಥ ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH TRANSLATOR!!!! YOU DEFINITELY IMPROVED AND I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING FUN WHAT YOU'RE DOING ♡♡ I'll be waiting for your updates :D

parelyx created a topic of Shangri La no Tori


parelyx created a topic of Hanagara Tsumi

I don't know what you guys are talking about but the moment ayame FINALLY admitted he loved shuu to kaede, I almost started crying. The goosebumps were real and there. Whether they were fated pairs or not, it's so captivating how much they still loved each other after meeting for the first time since years smhhhhhh!? Shuu was the one who realized his feelings for ayame first but ayame was the one who fell in love from the beginning. They were both just in denial, especially ayame. He wasn't your typical bully for a seme to the uke (as you guys describe it), he expressed his feelings differently because he didn't know what he felt at that time except he KNEW he wanted to protect shuu. And kaede slapped him to reality for that—"It's not that you wanted to protect that kid, you just didn't want anyone to take him away from you!". C'mon guys!????!!!!! UGHHHHHH this is just amazing, wonderful, mmmm spicy, 100000000/10. I loved it.

omg just as he was finally thinking about Aresh, the chapter ends there and now I have to wait for an update USBDIEBIDBS. HE'S SO UGH!!!! But yeah, give a round of applause to a uke who doesn't give in easily and actually has a brain in this type of situation . (The fact he found out about Aresh's feelings kind of surprised me lol) Anyways, i hate slow burns but I can tolerate this one ಠ◡ಠ

parelyx created a topic of Shining Summer

stop wait i thought this was shounen ai i wanted it to be non nsfw huhu. anyways, i hope the real jihoon doesn't ruin things for them PLS I JUST NEED THIS TO BE A HAPPY ENDING. I DONT NEED ANY OVERLY DRAMATIC LOVE TRIANGLE RN. Also fuck me bro wonjae's real body is so fucking hot, jihoon's soul must've really worked his ass off since his parents probably don't baby him like a spoiled brat, not like his real ones. Like actually, he's hotter than jihoon's prince like face himself (or maybe because I fw black hairs better but still). Anyways PLEASE BE A SATISFYING ENDING because i have high hopes for this one ( ╹▽╹ )

parelyx created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

Im so inlove with them. This isn't toxic or anything, they both just love each other so much. I'd normally get all pissy if the seme is too much but I I LOVE THE FACT THEYRE JUST OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER. I love it.i love them. ♡(> ਊ <)♡

ill wait ill def wait ill wait ill wait ill wait def wait ill wait ill wait def ill wait ill def wait ill wait ill wait ill wait def wait ill wait ill wait def ill wait ill def wait ill wait ill wait ill wait def wait ill wait ill wait def ill wait ill def wait ill wait ill wait ill wait def wait ill wait ill wait def ill wait ill def wait ill wait ill wait ill wait def wait ill wait ill wait def ill wait ill def wait ill wait ill wait ill wait def wait ill wait ill wait def ill wait ill def wait ill wait ill wait ill wait def wait ill wait ill wait def i fucking love these two stfu im happy w life i love life yehey

parelyx created a topic of 1 to 10

OMG WHY ARE THEY SUCH CUTIES!??? Pls let them have their moments forever and ever

parelyx created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

Gonna marinate this cuz i aint waiting for slow updates ರ◡ರゞ

I fucking hate this seme like actually. I WANNA KILL HIM SO BADLY STOP JUST UGHHHH UR SO FRUSTRATING STOP TOYING INSEOB. HE DESERVES SO MUCH MORE AND BETTER THAN THIS I CANT. Im fucking kill this bitch istg. They're both so stupid like actually frustratingly stupid

parelyx created a topic of Afterglow


For some reason, his pouty face reminds me of Tweek 'v' isbdisbs its so funny that im giving it 5 stars. Time to wait for new chapters (~‾▿‾)~

parelyx created a topic of summer season

Dude wth why is it so rushed? The mild toxicity and then the confession part? Disappointment fr sigh. There could've been a potential ಠ∀ಠ'''

Never gonna get tired of it bro, always gonna be my number one