Everytime i re read this story i still cry when Doosik cries it’s something in there that just makes me sad everytime he is sad and i still get mad at what he did to the twins i understand why he did it but theres many other ways of torture that is way better and me personally i love those ways

Hii! They did not die in the ice water but as you most likely know if not sorry for the spoiler Jooha did loose his memory but in the first few chapters when Doosik was in the tide Jooha pulled him back up so me personally I feel like he probably pulled him back up from the ice water after they kissed

Yall Ik doc dan is dumb asf but yall are gonna STOP BULLYING HIM.

yeah i get it everyone's waiting for the redemption arc but in my opinion jaekyung is not redeemable whatsoever he needs to go to prison, therapy, and anger management too.
at least in bj alex jiwon was like a normal ass guy with manners and shit like yeah he was rude sometimes but he was never this cruel or a rapist either at least he could be redeemed.

Dan i love you bby but no way you just fall in love wit him like that like he has literally STRETCHED OUT YO BOOTY HOLE TO THE POINT WHERE IF YOU POOP BLOOD WILL COME OUT and does this nigga just not know about lube or something like why he keep dry loggin my poor bby DAN STAND TF UP LIKE WHAT DO YOU HAVE LEGS FOR? JUST TO SPREAD EM?? STAND YO GROUND
Womp womp suck it up whores