Lady Baby
The plot itself is very interesting, but the pacing is not. I feel (my personal opinion) that this staying in a baby’s body has been going on for too long. 100+ chapter with her staying in a child’s body and literally trying to find out why her family died, whilst tackling political issues. Finding a murderer that only happened when she was an adult, is not likely that she’ll find it whilst a baby.
Her family is adorable, godless the parents, but dang! Must they be so overprotective? I get the “overprotective family” but at this point not letting her make friends that are guys? Pushing away their own best friends from her and spending more time with only her because they love her? I started getting a bit dizzy by that point, but I could just be me being extremely over dramatic, which has it own records lol.
Overall, I probably won’t receipt this story
Unripened Expression