Any enemies with benefits? It can be in anything, academics, fantasy, ceos WHATEVER I just need that tension

Will this work they’re kind of academic rivals

Seme is “attractive”, he works as a police officer in an isolated place that has mostly elderly people. The uke is openly gay and he makes the seme uncomfortable but he’s curious on how it feels to be with a man. I don’t remember how but they end up sleeping together, and then they start doing it everywhereee

I don’t remember the dynamic of the FL and ML. I do remember that the FL died and in her previous life she wasn’t loved by her husband (miscommunication/misunderstanding), I think he was an honorable knight that was gifted a duke title.
He has a “mistress” that is his childhood friend. The ML was a slave/orphan(?) and his childhood friend took him in as her own “family”. She basically manipulated and guilt trip him into thinking that his life was possible because of her family. She was spoiled and bought luxurious gifts, she even got on the staffs good side and was a respected lady. While the FL was treated like an outsider.
In the FL’s second life she stands up for herself and made the ML/staff realize that the “mistress” is manipulative. He has always known but in this life he doesn’t enable her behavior and “banishes” her.
This isn’t the plot of the story but that portion stands out the most. It’s also the only thing I remember :,)
Everybody saying enemies to lovers… what about lovers to enemies??
The Bondservent
Mery Psycho
How to Break Up Well
Never Ending Darlong