So if he DOES get pregnant would the offspring’s be hybrids?

Then the would would be 80% hybrids.
But because i didnt see any i guess ist 50/50% chance of either fox or mouse.
If the mom would be in her/his(?) animalform it would be 100% the birthing persons(?) animalkind.
Because a mouse with a few foxbabys in the belly...
Birth etc should be more humanlike, otherwise the mouse would have a huge family.....

Chat is this worth the read?

Tough question. Yes and no.
If you don't mind slow agonising plot+ shitty love interest then yeah go for it
If that's not really your thing then it's probably best not to.
Tbh i found some parts extremely frustrating because of how repetitive it was but now it seems like the pace has started picking up
Does anyone know when this will be out of hiatus??