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I'm venting- not saying I dislike the story in any way. I'm only miffed because I do enjoy it, so please don't take this as me bashing it!

Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy would MC here behave in such a stupid way. I mean, honestly. This makes 0 sense.

He specifically thinks about evidence, not startling the fella and approaching this wisely. He has heavy suspicions about this guy to the point he is concerned enough to consider entering his home. He is clearly not the type to act first think later...

And then he agrees to be alone in a closed space without informing anyone - with the guy he suspects? The guy gives him an off feeling yet he goes along with it like some dopey puppy. It's so weird. Especially since MC then notices again how weird guy is being, and just like... shrugs it off? This whole interaction is just so weirdly paced.

Offers to help the next day, is turned down. Then guy is suddenly like, actually you can help me- let's do it now? That's not weird? Like really? Even in different circumstances that is hella weird. Dude suddenly arrives home, you haven't seen him in days and he admits to being gone- and then within him getting home, despite not expecting you, he's ready to pack? Like that just makes no sense.

And then he frigging whips out his camera as he essentially scoops in front of this guy?! I'm sorry, but where did his awareness go? Where is the guy who was alert enough to realize this guy is a weirdo in the first place?

I just... if I type out step by step what happened in this chapter it drives me bonkers. I do not get it and it was just so unexpected. I'm irrationally irked.

But in the way where you yell at a TV during a movie. I'm not saying it's bad, since clearly I was invested enough to get miffed at this.